Alumnus Achievement/Distinguished Alumnus Award


The Board of Trustees will present annually an Alumnus Achievement/Distinguished Alumnus Award to an individual who has attained outstanding success and distinction in his or her field of endeavor; has gained favorable statewide or national recognition, or has performed service which has proven beneficial to society.

The recipient must hold a certificate and/or a degree from Lake Land College and be active in the endeavor in which he or she has achieved distinction.


The recipient of the Alumnus Achievement/Distinguished Alumnus Award will be presented with an appropriate plaque at the annual Foundation & Alumni Awards Reception.

Selection Process

Nomination forms will be distributed to appropriate groups each year, and nominations received on or before February 1, will be eligible for consideration for the award.

A committee consisting of members of the following: Lake Land College Board of Trustees, Alumni, Lake Land College Foundation Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff, and the President will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, who will make the final selection.

Nomination Form

* Required Fields

Nominee Information

( ) -

Please describe how the nominee meets each of the following criteria

Nominator Information

( ) -

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Please direct any questions to Amanda Allen with any questions at 217-234-5376 or