Tutoring and Testing Center

The Tutoring and Testing Center is located in Webb Hall 130 on the Mattoon campus. Here we offer in-person and online tutoring as well as proctoring and accommodation testing services.

Our proctoring services include administration of the college placement tests, proctoring services for tests and quizzes for courses that require testing in a proctored environment, administration of pre-nursing exams and testing for various programs such as: Pearson VUE testing and CLEP testing. We also provide accommodations for students with disabilities, such as extended time proctoring and alternative environments for testing.

Located in Webb Hall 130, the Center hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and later by appointment (Monday through Thursday during summer session).

Tutoring walk-ins available anytime between 10:00am and 5:00pm!

We also have tutors in many subjects including but not limited to those is : Business, Humanities, Math and Science, Social Science, Agriculture, Vocational, Technology, Adult Education and more.


The Tutoring Center offers tutoring in almost all subjects taught at Lake Land. Tutoring is FREE, so don’t be afraid to ask for help on any subject!

Students are also welcome for assistance with general questions and issues, study skills and test taking strategies, and accessing classroom technology.

Walk-ins are available but appointments are encouraged. One-time or reoccurring appointments can be made by calling 217-234-5301, emailing tutoringandtesting@lakelandcollege.edu , or visiting the Tutoring Center located in Webb Hall 130 on the Mattoon Campus.

If a student is unable to attend campus in-person, tutoring is available online through Zoom. If you are interested in online tutoring, please call or email us to make an appointment.

Students may also visit our Canvas page for additional resources and support. The Tutoring Center Canvas page can be located here: https://lakeland.instructure.com/courses/669747

Placement & CLEP Testing

Placement Testing

All degree-seeking students and/or students planning to enroll in a Math or English course must have ACT/SAT or Lake Land College placement test scores on file. Students will be mandatorily placed in appropriate courses based on placement test scores or ACT/SAT scores, whichever is higher, and chosen program of study. If a student’s record includes more than one set of scores, the highest scores recorded are used for placement. One retest is allowed in each of the three areas with a retest fee of $5.00 per test – limit of two sets of scores within a four-year period.

To schedule a test or for more information, call 217-234-5301 or email tutoringandtesting@lakelandcollege.edu. Students who have a documented disability can make arrangements for test accommodations by contacting the Office of Student Accommodations at 217-234-5259. Students are encouraged to review the placement test study guide in order to prepare for the test.

For more information on determining placement in reading, English and math courses based on ACT/SAT or Lake Land College placement test scores, visit our Placement Testing webpage. Counselors will review this information with you at your orientation/advising appointment. To discuss your placement scores or for additional information regarding degree requirements, please call Counseling Services at 217-234-5232.

CLEP Testing

College credit is given for examinations taken through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) if satisfactory scores are achieved. CLEP examinations are based on college level subject material. If you participate in these programs, you must request that the results be forwarded to the Lake Land College Admissions and Records Office. You should be aware that CLEP credits may not be accepted as transfer credit at other colleges or universities.

Students desiring to take these tests may obtain information by contacting the Director of the Tutoring and Testing Center at 217-234-5287. For more information on the minimum credit granting scores and how credit is granted, visit our CLEP Testing webpage.

Proctoring Services

Proctoring services are available Monday through Thursday on campus and Monday through Wednesday at the Kluthe Center during the Summer 2023 semester.

Proctoring Center ♦ Webb Hall, room 122 ♦ 217-234-5247

Monday 10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m.
Wednesday 12:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 03:00 p.m.

(We will have extended hours for midterms and finals if necessary)

Kluthe Center ♦ 1204 Network Center Blvd., Effingham, IL 62401 ♦ 217-540-3555

Monday 1:00 p.m. – 05:00 p.m.
Tuesday 04:00 p.m. – 07:00 p.m.
Wednesday 01:30 p.m. – 05:00 p.m.
Thursday 02:00 p.m. – 05:00 p.m.

Pana and Marshall: by appointment only.

Students wishing to take tests at a site other than one of the locations listed above must have an approved proctor administer all exams. It is the responsibility of the student to secure an acceptable proctor and ensure that a Student-Proctor Agreement Form is completed and submitted to the Lake Land College Tutoring and Testing Center. The student must pay all expenses associated with proctoring exams. Expenses may include envelopes and postage for returning tests and/or any special proctoring fees.

Proctoring appointments should be scheduled well in advance. Please take note of deadlines in your syllabus, especially those that fall on a Friday or weekend. Proctoring appointments can be made through IRIS in the Laker Hub. Students should 1.) login to the Laker Hub, 2.) click on “Students” under “My IRIS”, 3.) select “Proctored Test Scheduler”, 4.) select “Testing Proctoring Scheduler”, and 5.) choose their term, test, date, location and time.

Students who need special accommodation for proctoring or need an alternate time should contact the Testing and Tutoring Center directly at 217-234-5247 or proctor@lakelandcollege.edu.

Pearson Vue Testing

As a testing center for Pearson VUE, Lake Land College offers computerized testing for GED, admission into teacher education programs and licensure exams, CompTia, CISCO, and many more certification/board testing programs. For more information about what tests are available and/or to sign up for Pearson VUE tests, please visit the VUE website. Any changes to this schedule will be noted on the Pearson VUE website. For additional information, contact the Director of the Tutoring and Testing Center at 217-234-5301.