Tuition and Fees

Lake Land College is more than just one of the most affordable higher education options for you. It’s the place where you can earn a college degree that will benefit you for the rest of your life. As a Lake Land College graduate, you can expect to see a 20 percent return on your investment according to a recent study conducted in partnership with the Illinois Community College Board.

Tuition and Fees Per Year*

Tuition for credit courses is based on your legal place of residence. You are considered in-district if you live in Lake Land College District #517.

2025-2026 In-District
Tuition Full-Time Student $3,570.00 $7,687.80 $13,936.20
Fees Including Textbook Rental** $1,050.00 $1,050.00 $1,050.00
Total for One Year $4,620.00 $8,737.80 $14,986.20

*Based on two semesters of 15 hours each
**Textbook rental saves you up to $1,400 a year. Textbook costs are rarely factored into cost estimates at universities and colleges.

Tuition and Fees Per Credit Hour

Lake Land College’s tuition and fees are based on the number of credit hours a student takes. To calculate a total cost, multiply the “Total Per Credit Hour” by the number of credit hours. For example, an in-district resident taking a 3-hour class would follow this formula to generate the cost of the class:  3 X $147.17 = $441.51.

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees for One Credit Hour In-District
Tuition for One Credit Hour $119.00 $256.26 $464.54
Service Fee Including Textbook Rental $29.00 $29.00 $29.00
 Rec Fee $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
 Activity Fee $4.00 $4.00 $4.00
 Total Per Credit Hour $154.00 $291.26 $499.54

Fee Explanation

Service Fee

This fee covers a variety of services available to students including textbook rental, library services, registration, health services, extension center services, and computer network/technology services.

Rec Fee

As part of the Service Fee, this fee allows students to utilize the Student Fitness Center at no additional cost.

Activity Fee

This fee funds free weekly entertainment activities throughout the year, student clubs and organizations and much more. Students pay this fee for classes taken on campus, online or at the Kluthe Center.

Course Fee

Some courses require payment of a course fee. Course fee levels are listed below while specific course fee levels are listed with the course description.


Tuition and fees are subject to change. Current tuition and fee rates are published on this page.