Sex Discrimination and Harassment

Lake Land College is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and employment environment that is free from sex discrimination, which includes discrimination and harassment based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientaiton, and/or gender identity or expression, as well as sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.

Faculty, staff and students have a right to work and learn in an atmosphere that promotes equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices. Employees and students are encouraged to report all incidents of discrimination and harassment. (See Board Policy 11.04 – Discrimination and Harassment.)

All reports of sex discrimination are investigated and acted upon in accordance with Lake Land College Board Policy 11.04.01 – Prohibiting Sex Discrimination. This guide provides the procedures set forth to implement Board Policy 11.04.01.

For immediate assistance if you (or a friend) have been a victim of sexual violence

You may call the Prevail Illinois 24-hour Crisis Line at 888-345-2846 for assistance. Prevail Illinois provides emergency assistance, advocacy and counseling for victims of sexual violence. You may also dial 911 to contact the Lake Land College or local police department. If you choose to report the sexual violence, you should go to the hospital emergency room before washing yourself or your clothing. You do not need to go through the situation alone – a friend, relative or crisis center representative can accompany and support you.

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Procedures Implementing the College’s Policy Prohibiting Sex Discrimination (Board Policy 11.04.01)

Concise Notification of Rights and Options Following an Act of Sex Discrimination