
Online Student Success Stories

“When I first started at Lake Land College, I was a little wary about taking online classes because I knew that I would need to keep myself motivated and accountable. However, I ended up taking two online classes my first semester and really liked the convenience of it. Since my first semester at Lake Land College I have taken about eight more online classes. I live about 45 minutes away from Lake Land College, so online classes saved me gas money and time. Along with going to school, I have a part-time job. Online classes allowed me to go to work and take care of other responsibilities while taking classes and doing homework on my own time. It was nice to have the option of taking an online class if the regular classes on campus conflicted with my schedule. Another great aspect of online classes at Lake Land College is that you can look ahead at future assignments and plan ahead for them. I found it very helpful to write down assignments in a planner to keep myself on track. It’s crucial to remember that online classes are just as important as classes on campus. It was extremely helpful to set aside as much time for my online classes as I would classes on campus. I checked my online classes every day for upcoming readings and assignments and could usually set aside a couple days a week to do the homework and discussions. I think Lake Land College does a great job of getting students, even online students, involved through the many clubs offered and through SAB events. Overall, I have been tremendously impressed with the online classes I have taken through Lake Land College and highly recommend them to students that are motivated to learn and willing to put in the time and effort.” – Chelsey Wilkins


“I started attending Lake Land College in January 2015 and I really did not know what I wanted to be, however I did know that I was tired of working and getting nowhere. I have decided to get a social service degree, to help others that lost children at a young age. I like the on-line classes they let me work at a slower pace or I can work ahead. My initial concern with online classes was that I would forget to do an assignment or I would not have access to my instructor, I was wrong about that. I can email my instructor and get a fast response.  I liked the fact that I could work ahead if I wanted to. Overall, my experience at Lake Land College  has been a good one. Every instructor has been helpful to me and they have helped me succeed.” – Tina Hooper






“I was at a time in my life when I thought I needed more and was ready for a change and my life did change very quickly. Taking online classes is hard, I’ll be the first to admit.  Especially since I’ve been out of high school for 24 years.  I had to basically learn to study all over again and I wasn’t the best at studying in high school. Most of the instructor’s I had allowed you to work ahead, which was helpful with  4-5 different courses with multiple due dates during the week.  I had a lot of family, friends and co-workers giving me encouraging words, advice and tips to keep me going. To succeed you must have self discipline, good organization and time management skills. ” – Renee Barbra Himes