Lake Land College

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Students Jumpstart Healthcare Careers with PATH Grant Support

Posted on November 1, 2024

Every year, Lake Land College students enroll in healthcare programs and complete high-demand credentials with the support of a statewide grant known as the Pipeline for Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce (PATH).

The PATH grant was created to address shortages in the healthcare workforce by creating, supporting and expanding opportunities for students in nursing and select healthcare pathways in Illinois. Support opportunities include tuition reimbursement, tutoring services and cost assistance for lab equipment and licensure fees. PATH support is available to Lake Land College students entering or advancing their healthcare careers through the following programs: Associate Degree Nurse, Practical Nursing, Registered Nurse, LPN-ADN Bridge, Basic Nursing Assistant, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedical Services.

Since its creation, the PATH program has successfully expanded healthcare training opportunities and the overall healthcare workforce in Illinois. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 more than 27,600 students enrolled in Illinois community colleges under the PATH grant, 45% of which were first-generation college students, and more than 15,500 completed their programs. In this same timeframe, Lake Land College enrolled 643 students under the grant and saw 437 PATH students obtain their licenses and secure healthcare employment.

Magon Germscheid, one of the many Lake Land students currently receiving PATH support, came to the College to pursue her dream of nursing and help her husband support their six children. She is currently enrolled in Lake Land’s Registered Nurse (RN) program and plans to continue her education to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. For Germscheid, The PATH grant has helped alleviate financial constraints by covering costs of tuition, books and lab equipment.

“I am grateful for the PATH team and their assistance,” Germscheid said. “When I started back to school, my top prayer was that it would not be a financial burden on our family. The PATH grant and tuition reimbursement has helped make that a reality.”

Germscheid is completing her clinical training in the nursing program at HSHS St. Anthony’s Hospital in Effingham.

HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital shares Lake Land College’s commitment to develop a highly skilled healthcare workforce from within our communities. By strengthening the educational pathways to success through the PATH Grant, we are expanding opportunities for individuals to advance in their careers and provide valuable contributions to the mission of providing quality care to our patients, said Anthony Powers, Chief Administrative Officer of HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital in Effingham and HSHS Good Shephard Hospital in Shelbyville.

With PATH support, Illinois community colleges have also expanded training and employment opportunities with partnerships throughout the state. Since the grant’s creation, Illinois community colleges have engaged with 1,032 healthcare employers, successfully developed 27 new healthcare education programs and expanded 74 others. During this time, Lake Land College has developed one new healthcare program, expanded two others and has partnered with 42 local employers to create opportunities for student clinicals.

“Sarah Bush Lincoln is proud to partner with Lake Land College to strengthen our communities by creating new educational and career opportunities from within. As an organization we have seen the positive impact the PATH grant has had in developing a highly skilled workforce in high demand healthcare fields,” Sarah Bush Lincoln President and CEO Kim Uphoff said.

For more information about the PATH grant at Lake Land College, contact PATH Grant Manager Amanda Dickens-Montgomery at 217-234-5202 or adickensmontgomery@lakelandcollege.edu.


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