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Lucas Duduit elected as new Lake Land College Student Trustee

Posted on April 13, 2020

Lake Land College students elected Lucas Duduit, Pana, to serve as the student trustee for 2020-2021. In this role, Duduit serves as the liaison between the student body and the Lake Land College Board of Trustees.

Lake Land College students elected Lucas Duduit, Pana, to serve as the student trustee for 2020-2021. Pictured is Lucas Duduit.

Duduit will take the reins from current student trustee Shelbie Kile, Marshall, whose last meeting will be April 13.

“I hope to do the best job I can for the current graduating class and all classes that ensue during my time as student trustee,” Duduit said. “I’m happy to be here and serve as student trustee during these times of uncertainty.”

As the student trustee, Duduit looks forward to sharing ideas on student technology as well as mental health opportunities.

Having always been interested local government, Duduit said he hopes his time as student trustee will give him the necessary experience and skill set to serve on future boards.

“I’m very interested in fulfilling civil duties in my future,” Duduit said.

Having participated in Phi Theta Kappa, the Student Government Association and Student Ambassadors, Duduit said he believes he has developed the experience necessary to be an effective liaison for the students.

Duduit expressed his appreciation for Lake Land College’s quick action and communication during the transition to a virtual campus as well as his hopes for the future during this difficult time.

Duduit will officially be seated at the May 11 Lake Land College Board of Trustees regular meeting. As the student trustee, will have the ability to make and second motions and have an advisory vote on the board.

Duduit is majoring in engineering science and plans to transfer to the University of Illinois to study electrical engineering. Having led a solar car racing team when he was a junior in high school, Duduit also placed first in the WYSE Competition in Engineering Graphics that same year. He said these events solidified his ambitions to become an engineer.

Danelle Jackson receives Pacesetter Award

Posted on April 9, 2020

The Lake Land College Board of Trustees presented the 2020 Pacesetter Award to Danelle Jackson, Laker Nation Class of 2007, at the March board meeting.

The Lake Land College Board of Trustees presented the 2020 Pacesetter Award to Danelle Jackson, Laker Nation Class of 2007, at the March board meeting. Pictured are Dr. Josh Bullock, Danelle Jackson and Doris Reynolds, Chair of the Board of Trustees.

The Pacesetter Award recognizes the achievements of recent community college graduates who are excelling in their careers.

Working in the healthcare profession during such a tumultuous time, Jackson said it has been a challenge for her, but that her faith is getting her through it.

“It’s definitely been a challenge,” Jackson said. “It’s so different from anything I’m used to doing. Nobody knows how to deal with where we’re at right now. I try to help people keep finding their hope, but also let them know it’s okay to grieve where we’re at too. I want people to be able to have faith and have hope, but also common sense and take care of themselves. Find the balance.”

Setting out on a path to go from being a GED student to a nurse practitioner, Jackson was determined to “pick herself up by the bootstraps” according to her nominator, Director of Dual-Credit and Honors Experience Lisa Shumard-Shelton.

Shumard-Shelton said she was proud to recognize Jackson for the hard work she has done, not only for herself, but for the community and for Lake Land College.

“The amount of people she has touched along the way is amazing,” Shumard-Shelton said. “That includes our own faculty and staff. Knowing her humble beginnings is what made me think she was a perfect candidate to be recognized.”

According to Shumard-Shelton, Jackson has a tireless drive to help others, both in her profession as a nurse practitioner and in her personal life as a pastor and advocate for higher education.

“Danelle Jackson is a shining example of a Lake Land College graduate,” Shumard-Shelton said. “She is very well deserving of this award.”

Jackson started her journey by taking one or two classes at a time after having dropped out of high school and earning a GED. She kept pushing forward, finishing an associate degree in four years at Lake Land College.

From there she transferred to Southern Illinois University where she earned a bachelor’s of science in nursing. After that, she continued on to Indiana State University, where she earned a master’s degree in nursing, family nurse practitioner.

“If it hadn’t been for affordable college options with programs offering a trade that is high in demand, I honestly do not know where I would be at this time,” Jackson said. “It took me over ten years to go from a GED recipient to a master’s degree because I had options that allowed me to work and pay for school. I am debt-free, employed and in a career that I love with an education I am forever personally indebted to.”

Seeing her efforts come to fruition, Jackson has now worked for SIHF, the Charleston Health Center, for the last six years. During her time there, Jackson has developed a very successful practice, and she said she is most proud to have cultivated a positive atmosphere with employees who value patients and provide excellent care to them.

“I have an internal motivation from God to help people out in different ways,” Jackson said. “I feel like it is my ministry in different areas. I have ministry in the workplace and a ministry through the church.”

To those considering beginning an educational journey, Jackson offered words of encouragement based on her own experience.

“Take that first step. Don’t think too far out. Just see what’s in front of you, where you feel led, and be bold enough to step out and take the risk. Then you end up finding your destiny.”

Lake Land College students practice peer-to-peer assistance

Posted on April 3, 2020

As everyone continues to adapt to the new virtual campus, it is important to maintain a sense of community support. Lake Land College students Michael Mriscin and Chandler Smith have found ways to stay connected and help out their peers.

Lake Land College students have found ways to stay connected and help out their peers. Pictured is Michael Mriscin.
Lake Land College students have found ways to stay connected and help out their peers. Pictured is Chandler Smith.

As work study students at Lake Land College’s radio station WLKL, Mriscin and Smith were unable to perform their usual duties due to the social distancing measures. Because of this, the students collaborated with Broadcasting/Communication Studies Instructor Greg Powers to find a new outlet for their work.

Reaching a solution, Mriscin and Smith took on the task of reaching out to students who had otherwise not responded to communication about advisement. According to Powers, much of the communication was successful as he got a number of phone calls after the students reached out.

“When I heard this information, I was filled with an immense sense of pride in our students,” Vice President for Academic Services Jon Althaus said.

Mriscin and Smith have even taken the assistance one step further, offering help with the registration process and other areas as needed. A major area of focus for the students is helping other students navigate the transition from face-to-face classes to the virtual campus.

“I think the stuff I’m doing to help navigate people is something everyone should be doing right now,” Smith said. “It’s going to be difficult for a little while, but we have to remember it could be way worse.”

Mriscin also expressed words of encouragement and support for fellow students.

“There’s a lot of this virtual stuff that we’re all still trying to learn,” Mriscin said. “I’m going to do the best I can to help students through this and share whatever I need to offer.”

As is working on completing his second degree at Lake Land College, Mriscin said the changes have had him nervous along with his peers, but that he is doing his best to get through it.

“It’s what has got to be done for right now,” Mriscin said. “It’s definitely what’s needed even if it is frustrating.”

Having the students available for assistance is also beneficial to instructors, who are still transitioning to the virtual campus as well.

“So far the instructors have done an amazing job,” Mriscin said. “The faculty members have really become a support system.”

Both students said through helping other students and navigating this unprecedented situation, they have learned to appreciate things more.

“I have definitely learned to appreciate everything I’ve got,” Smith said.

Not only has the situation helped the students develop greater appreciation, Mriscin said it has also helped him realize how much Lake Land College means to him.

“I love Lake Land. It’s amazing how much it’s helped me change and grow,” Mriscin said. “Lake Land is to me what Hogwarts is to Harry Potter.”

Tanner Clark to receive scholarship for selection as Coca-Cola Academic Team Gold Scholar

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Lake Land College Phi Theta Kappa President Tanner Clark will receive a scholarship of $1,500 for his selection as a national Gold Scholar on Coca-Cola’s 2020 Academic Team. Clark was one of 50 students chosen to receive the award out of more than 2,000 applications. His score in the All-USA Academic Team competition secured him the scholarship.

“I was definitely very excited,” Clark said. “It’s very rewarding to know that a lot of the work we do is recognized, even though we don’t do it for the recognition. We do it for the process and the ability to serve others.”

This marks the first time The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation has awarded a Lake Land College transfer scholar this honor. Clark will be transferring to a university in the fall.

“I hope that I can be an encouragement to other students to just apply and see what can come out of Phi Theta Kappa scholarships and their different academic competitions and awards,” Clark said. “It’s kind of another job in and of itself to go through the process of documenting, so I would urge other students to keep track of what they’ve done.”

Clark’s award was one of 50 New Century Gold Scholar scholarships presented every year by The Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Program and administered by Phi Theta Kappa.

To continue to embody all that the award stands for, Clark plans to apply himself in all areas of his life.

“Whatever situation I find myself in I can always try and be beneficial to people,” Clark said.

As an active member of his community at home in Strasburg, Clark is involved with organizations benefitting others such as the Lion’s Club and the Strasburg Community Action Network.

“As I go throughout these next few years and the rest of my life, I guarantee I will find opportunities to get involved and serve other people,” Clark said. “I hope that I can be around other people who want to succeed and want to help one another, because that is definitely how I have learned.”

To finish the semester, Clark plans to focus on incorporating leadership, scholarship, service and fellowship, Phi Theta Kappa’s four hallmarks, into everything the group does by continuing to serve and be a hub of leadership.

“I hope that the ways I act, serve and lead can inspire other people to go the extra mile for their fellow neighbor,” Clark said.

Phi Theta Kappa will recognize Clark and the other award recipients at PTK Catalyst, Phi Theta Kappa’s annual convention, via live stream. The virtual event will take place April 2-3 with registration for the event ending March 31.

The Illinois Local Workforce Development Area #23 Board of Directors and the Lake Land College Board of Trustees Announce Final Candidate for Director of Workforce Investment

Posted on April 2, 2020

The Illinois Local Workforce Development Area (WIOA) #23 and Lake Land College are pleased to recommend the appointment of Jamie Corda Hadjaoui as the new director of workforce investment. She replaces Gerry Schlechte who will retire this spring.

The Illinois Local Workforce Development Area (WIOA) #23 and Lake Land College are pleased to recommend the appointment of Jamie Corda Hadjaoui as the new director of workforce investment. Pictured is Jamie Corda Hadjaoui.

Lake Land College President Josh Bullock will recommend Corda Hadjaoui to the Lake Land College Board of Trustees at the regular April 13 board meeting.

In this position, Corda Hadjaoui will lead the Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIB) staff to meet the program goals, fulfill the mission, and pursue the vision of the WIOA Board. The director accepts all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) executive and leadership responsibilities for the successful management, lawfully compliant administration, operational performance, and financial integrity of all procedures, programs, and activities of the LWIB. The director represents the LWIB, chief elected officials, and Lake Land College.

Chairman of the Local Workforce Innovation Board (LWIB) Pat Click said, “We have sincerely appreciated the leadership and hard work that retiring director Gerry Schlechte has done for our organization.  We welcome Jamie in this new role and look toward her leading LWIA 23 in both in the individuals we serve as well as the businesses we work with, both large and small.  Her experience in Career and Technical Education programs will be very valuable as we work together in bringing economic growth and job opportunities to the thirteen counties that we serve.”

Having spent more than a decade in training and supervisory positions, Corda Hadjaoui has experienced firsthand how vital it is to help job seekers access employment, education and training in the labor market as well as matching employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.

“Jamie’s management and human resources skills are closely aligned with the responsibilities of this position,” Lake Land College President Josh Bullock said. “I am certain our workforce development team and the college community will see many positive outcomes from Jamie’s leadership.”

Corda Hadjaoui developed her sales skills in her position at the real estate company, The Atkins Group, for more than seven years. She previously held management positions at Bergner’s Department Store and Arby’s in Rantoul. Corda Hadjaoui currently serves as the Perkins Specialist at Lake Land College. In this role, she provides services to help students enrolled in Workforce Ready programs successfully complete an associate in applied science (AAS) degree or certificate, with the goal to enter the workforce in the chosen field immediately after completion.

Corda Hadjaoui has an associate degree from Parkland College and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Eastern Illinois University. She will complete a master’s of business administration from Eastern Illinois University in May.

WIOA provides activities that increase employment, retention, earnings, and skills in the American workforce. C.E.F.S. is part of the 13-county Illinois Local Workforce Development Area #23, which receives its funding from the U.S. Department of Labor through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Lake Land College.


Social media competition encourages sense of community for Lake Land College

Posted on March 31, 2020

As everyone is adjusting to a virtual campus, Lake Land College is pulling together to maintain the sense of community among faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Lake Land College Student Life organizations have planned several fun and entertaining activities to keep members of the Lake Land College community in touch with one another.

In addition to these events, Lake Land College will host a competition via the popular social media platform TikTok beginning April 3. To participate, students, faculty, staff and alumni need only post a video of themselves wearing their Lake Land College gear with the hashtag #LakerNationTikTokTakeover and tag the Lake Land College TikTok page @LakeLandCollegeIL.

The videos should show what Lake Land College community members are doing to keep busy during this unprecedented time. Singing, dancing and lip-syncing are all welcome, and participants are urged to be as creative as they like.

Students are advised to follow the college’s Student Code of Conduct and avoid instances of profanity and/or inappropriate conduct.

Three winners will be chosen to receive a $20 dollar Amazon gift card. The contest will run through April 17, and the winners will be notified via TikTok on April 20.

For more fun opportunities to engage with the Lake Land College community, be sure to follow us on the official “Lake Land College” Facebook page, on TikTok at @LakeLandCollegeIL, on Instagram at “lakelandcollegeil,” on Twitter at “@LakeLandBuzz” and on YouTube at “Lake Land College.” For more information please email mpr2@lakelandcollege.edu.

Lake Land College donates personal protective equipment to local hospitals

Posted on March 27, 2020

In the current time of need, Lake Land College has taken steps to help support local hospitals.

In the current time of need, Lake Land College has taken steps to help support local hospitals. Pictured is Nursing Instructor/Director of Nursing Cheryl Beam donating personal protective equipment to HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital in Effingham. Photo courtesy of HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital.

Lake Land College Allied Health programs on campus and at the Kluthe Center have gathered and donated personal protective equipment (PPE) to local hospitals.

Some of the items donated to HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital in Effingham and Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center in Mattoon include gloves, protective gowns, hand sanitizer, masks and sanitization wipes

The college has also donated several boxes of isolation gowns, shoe covers and disposable masks.

“Lake Land College benefits from our partnerships with area health care facilities and wants to support our local organizations whenever possible,” Josh Bullock, Lake Land College President, said. “We are very grateful to the healthcare professionals in our area who are working around the clock to keep our communities safe. As many of these individuals are our own Laker Alumni, please know how very proud we are of your commitment to your profession.”

Lake Land College to host Laker Online Takeover days

Posted on March 26, 2020

Several Student Life organizations at Lake Land College have announced opportunities for virtual engagement throughout Spring 2020. Most of the events will take place via the different organizations’ Facebook pages.

“These students are posting some really cool interactive posts and events,” Valerie Lynch, director of student life, said. “We are asking faculty, staff and students to ‘like’ and share the social media pages and interact when they can.”

The Lake Land College Student Activity Board will be hosting “Around the World in 5 Days” March 24 through March 28. This activity will be available via the “Lake Land College Student Activity Board” Facebook page and will consist of virtual museum tours in places such as London, France and South America. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience cultural movies, music and food.

“Career and Finance Week” will be hosted by the Student Government Association March 30 through April 3, via the “Lake Land College Student Government Association” Facebook page. This event will kick off Financial Literacy and Internship week, giving participants the opportunity to learn about finance, resume building and leadership. The group will also be hosting a virtual fashion show.

The Navigator News will host “Earth and Sustainability Week” April 20 through April 24 on its Facebook page, “Lake Land College Navigator News.” At this event, participants will have the opportunity to learn how their footprint affects the earth by discussing sustainability with Student Care and Advocacy.

The Student Activity Board will also be hosting student club and organization spotlights every day from April 27 to May 1.

One of the Facebook pages will highlight a craft or activity participants can do at home on #MAKEITMONDAYS. Those looking to test their minds can join the Student Activity Board on KAHOOT for trivia every Tuesday at Noon on #TRIVIATUESDAYS, and those interested in cooking can join the Navigator News on their Facebook page every Wednesday at 7 p.m. on #WHIPITUPWEDNESDAYS.

Lake Land College will continue to offer opportunities to get involved in student life and activities. There may be more opportunities to participate in events at a later date, so be sure to follow the Lake Land College Facebook page, as well as the Student Activity Board, Student Government Association and the Navigator News Facebook pages for more virtual events.

Lake Land College class registration begins

Posted on March 24, 2020

As Lake Land College moves forward in a virtual environment, 2020 Summer and Fall registration will open March 25 as planned. For the first time in the college’s history, registration will be open to all students who are cleared to register versus a tiered approach in which sophomores were given priority the first day of registration.

“We want to open registration to all who have been proactive and received clearance, as well as readmit and new non-degree seeking students who are ready to register,”  Jon Van Dyke, dean of admission services, said.

“We know our current students have been transitioning to a new online environment this week, and we want to be as supportive and helpful as possible,” Van Dyke added.

Current students can login to the Laker Hub and view their Advisement Information page for important information on the advisement process. In the virtual environment, students can connect with their advisors through Laker Mail or via phone. Current degree-seeking students must receive clearance before registering.

Additional assistance is available by utilizing the online chat service at lakelandcollege.edu or by calling Admissions & Records at 217-234-5434 or Counseling Services at 217-234-5232.

New students who have submitted the Intent to Enroll for summer or fall and are scheduled to attend New Student Orientation are encouraged to watch their postal mail for a letter about completing online orientation and scheduling an advisement and registration day. These letters will be mailed beginning May 1.

Those who would like to get started this summer or fall should visit lakelandcollege.edu/enroll. After completing a Laker Profile and an Intent to Enroll, a student will receive a Welcome Letter in the mail with information about New Student Orientation online and important student ID information.

Students are advised to begin the Financial Aid process for the 2020-2021 school year by visiting fafsa.gov. Future students may also contact the financial aid office at financialaid@lakelandcollege.edu.

Lake Land College is committed to providing a smooth enrollment process in the virtual environment. Please visit lakelandcollege.edu to reference resources to help you connect with the college.


Lake Land College to enter Level 3 Restricted Campus

Posted on March 19, 2020

Lake Land College is committed to protecting the health and safety of all staff and students during this COVID-19 pandemic. In light of recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health, the college will be taking additional steps to practice social distancing and promote the well-being of everyone involved.

Effective Friday, March 20 at 5 p.m., all Lake Land College locations will enter a Level 3 Restricted phase. Only authorized staff will be allowed to enter buildings to perform essential tasks that are unable to be performed remotely.

While the physical locations are restricted, Lake Land College operations and services will continue in a virtual environment. All courses will resume in an online format on March 23 and will continue for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.

“We are committed to providing the high quality of instruction and service our students have come to expect through virtual means. We are developing resources and options to support students in this new virtual environment,” Lake Land College President Josh Bullock said.

In alignment with the CDC recommendations and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s ban on gatherings of more than 50 people, the college has cancelled Commencement and related celebrations.

In a message to students, Lake Land President Bullock said, ”It is with a heavy heart that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 Lake Land College Commencement ceremony in accordance with guidelines from the CDC to limit gatherings during this coronavirus pandemic. The Lake Land College Board of Trustees, faculty and staff congratulate all of you who will be celebrating the completion of a degree or certificate this spring. We are exploring other opportunities to honor you and recognize your accomplishments.”

All events scheduled to be held at any college location, whether college-sponsored or with outside organizations, are canceled until further notice.

Lake Land College will continue to work closely with the Coles County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health to take necessary steps to protect the health and safety of the college community.

The college will continue to monitor and address the situation. Please feel free to check the Lake Land College website, the COVID-19 FAQ page as well as the Facebook page and new Facebook parent group for more updates.