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Laker Nation News

Associate Degree Nursing Graduates Celebrated at Pinning Ceremony

Posted on December 13, 2024

Graduating nurses received their pins at the 2024 Lake Land College Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Associate Degree Nurse (ADN) Bridge program pinning ceremony.

The LPN to ADN Bridge program provides a pathway for current LPNs to advance in their careers by becoming a registered nurse with one additional year of coursework.

Mackenzie Koester, Effingham, received the Peer Award for demonstrating excellence in both the classroom and in clinical through professionalism, a caring nature and a cooperative spirit.

Corinne Coad, Toledo, received the Marilyn Fuqua Thompson Nursing Award, which is given each year to a graduating student who is considered to be the all-around best student in the class. Selected by faculty vote, the recipient must be professionally superior and morally responsible, capable of using a strong scientific knowledge base to make and communicate wise decisions with compassion, care and composure, often in crises situations. Coad’s name will be engraved on a plaque that is located in the nursing skills lab in Neal Hall.

The following students received pins at the ceremony:

Name Hometown
Paula Bly Mattoon
Corinne Coad Toledo
Jami Dees Humboldt
Kendra Elzy Sullivan
LaDonna Faulkner Smith Mattoon
Kelsey Fletcher Montrose
Adriana Garza Aleman Mattoon
Danielle Goldsborough Altamont
Sharia Gordon Charleston
Andrea Hooker Charleston
Tasha Johnston Mattoon
Mackenzie Koester Effingham
Jennifer Lang Casey
Cairra Leasher Edgewood
Emma Maulding Casey
Paige Remlinger Greenup
Blake Robinson Sullivan
Mary Violet Sporleder Altamont
Alisha Waugh Shelbyville
Alicia Yoder Arthur


A nursing instructor presenting an award to a graduating student during a pinning ceremony
At left, Nursing Instructor Katelyn Bloemer presents the Peer Award to Mackenzie Koester, Effingham, during the 2024 Lake Land College Associate Degree Nursing pinning ceremony.
A nursing instructor presenting an award to a graduating student during a pinning ceremony
At left, Nursing Instructor Tarah Haskenherm presents the Marilyn Fuqua Thompson Nursing Award to Corinne Coad, Toledo, during the 2024 Lake Land College Associate Degree Nursing pinning ceremony.













Navigator News Wins Awards at Illinois Community College Journalism Award Ceremony

Posted on December 11, 2024

The staff of the Lake Land College Navigator News earned awards at the 2023-2024 Illinois Community College Journalism Awards (ICCJA) in Palos Hill, Illinois.

Viv Ard, Windsor, and Darrius Frazier, Charleston, earned first place for Best Page Design. Ard also received an honorable mention for Best Front Page Design.

The students also earned multiple team awards, finishing second place in the Mike Foster General Excellence Award category and third place in the Best Student Media category for the Navigator website design.

“We are so proud of the work our students do every year to run the Navigator,” said Student Life Specialist Tim Stolz. “It takes a lot of effort from talented students to manage everything that goes into the Navigators’ production, from interviewing to writing to advertising and more. It’s great to see these efforts be recognized with these awards.”

Multiple Lake Land College staff members also earned awards for their contributions to the Navigator. Business Adjunct Faculty Brett Sawyer earned first place for Best Editorial Cartoon for his “Laker Louie Goes to College” comic strip. TRIO Student Support Services Advisor Faisal Tariq earned the second-place award for Best News Photo.

The Lake Land College Navigator News staff consists of the following students:

2023-2024 Staff Members
Name Hometown
Viv Ard Windsor
Deanna Clark Bethany
Sid Florea Shelbyville
Darrius Frazier Charleston
Cecil Howell Mattoon
Elfrieda Iheasi Nigeria
Mabry Mitchell Hidalgo
Robert Morse Saint Peter
Tanatswa Mutamira Zimbabwe
Mark Naroze Charleston
Anyssa Petak Mattoon
Amber Brooke Roan Charleston
Megan Russell Mattoon
2024-2025 Staff Members
Name Hometown
Nathaniel Carlin Mattoon
Lance Chaney Mattoon
Darrius Frazier Charleston
Cecil Howell Mattoon
Noella Kasera Democratic Republic of Congo
Tanatswa Mutamira Zimbabwe
Lungowe Nanjela Zambia
Mark Naroze Charleston
Anyssa Petak Mattoon
Amber Brooke Roan Charleston
Aisha Salami Nigeria
Brooke Simpson Mattoon
Emma Skowronksi Sullivan
Kailyn Tracy Mattoon

To learn more about the Lake Land College Navigator News or to read the students’ most recent articles, visit the Navigator News website at TheNavigatorNews.com.

Student staff members of the Lake Land College newspaper holding the awards received at the ICCJA ceremony.
Members of the Lake Land College Navigator News staff with the awards received at the 2023-2024 ICCJA ceremony.
From Left to Right: Aisha Salami, Nigeria; Kailyn Tracy, Mattoon; Emma Skowronksi, Sullivan; Noella Kasera, Democratic Republic of Congo; and Lungowe Nanjela, Zambia.


Alternative Education Club Raises Money to Cover GED Testing Costs

Posted on December 9, 2024

The Lake Land College Alternative Education Club recently donated $432 to the College’s Opportunity Fund, a financial reserve available to help students overcome barriers in education. The donated money will be used to cover the cost of GED testing for three students in the College’s Adult Education Program.

To raise the funds to cover GED exam costs, members of the Alternative Education Club arranged goodie bags and sold them to students, staff and faculty on campus. With the money raised through these efforts, three Lake Land College Adult Education students will receive full funding to cover the $144 GED exam cost.

“For most, if not all, of us in Alternative Education Club, taking the GED test is an experience we’ve gone through,” said Deanna Clark, President of the Alternative Education Club. “To be able to lift that financial burden and allow students to expand their opportunities is what the Alternative Education Club and Lake Land College are all about.”

The Alternative Education Club supports Lake Land College students who followed non-traditional pathways to pursue higher education, including GED, homeschooled and international students. In addition to its recent fundraising efforts, the club regularly hosts activities and organizes networking opportunities to help alternative pathway students throughout their college journeys.

“The work these students are doing shows outstanding commitment to the Laker Community and will leave lasting impressions on the College long after they graduate,” said Kim Hunter, Director of Student Success Services and Alternative Education Club Advisor.

The Lake Land College Adult Education Program provides GED preparation courses throughout the College’s district, helping students develop the skills they need to pass the state-issued exam. Lake Land’s preparation courses are provided for free, with the GED exam itself being the only charge the College does not cover.

“One of the most common hurdles for our GED students is finances,” Director of Adult Education Dustyn Fatheree explained. “Fronting the cost of GED testing can be overwhelming, frustrating and, in some cases, impossible for students to navigate. Receiving donated funds from the Alternative Education Club will help a number of our students achieve their goal of passing the GED and receiving their high school diploma.”

To learn more about Lake Land College’s GED preparation courses, visit the Lake Land College website at LakeLandCollege.edu/Adult-Education or contact Adult Education at 217-238-8292 or adulteducation@lakelandcollege.edu.

To learn more about campus clubs and other opportunities for student engagement at Lake Land College, visit the Lake Land College website at LakeLandCollege.edu/Student-Life.

Members of the Lake Land College Adult Education Program and Alternative Education Club with a check from recent fundraising
The Lake Land College Alternate Education Club recently donated $432 to cover the cost of GED testing for three students in the College’s Adult Education Program.
From left to right: Adult Education Transition Coordinator Mariah White-Landrus; Adult Education Advisor Lisa Bennett; Director of Adult Education Dustyn Fatheree; Alternative Education Club President Deanna Clark; and Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Mercury Bowen.


Lake Land College and Education for Employment System 340 to Co-Host 8th Grade Career Conference

Posted on December 5, 2024

Lake Land College and the Education for Employment System 340 will co-host an 8th grade career conference on April 3 and 4, 2025 at the Lake Land College Field House from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

The conference introduces 8th grade students to various career possibilities by connecting them with local professionals representing a wide range of employment fields. The event is an opportunity for area businesses to connect with students and invest in the workforce of the future.

Business partners can participate in either one or both the conference days. A complimentary lunch will be provided both days for all participating company representatives. Interested businesses must register online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RKFB62Z.

For more information, contact Perkins Specialist Joy Kaurin at 217-234-5032 or jkaurin@lakelandcollege.edu.


TRIO Destination College Program Holds Time Management Workshops for Teens

Posted on December 2, 2024

In November, the Lake Land College TRIO Destination College program held time management workshops for middle school and high school students.

TRIO Destination College Outreach Advisors Tara Schaljo and Codi Julius delivered the workshops in 18 local schools and connected with 200 total students. The workshops included a time management challenge, in which students earned points by completing tasks within a set timeframe. Afterwards, the advisors facilitated discussions on activity results, highlighting the roles and unique time management strategies each student adopted as well as the value of collaborating with peers.

The time management workshop is one of many offered by TRIO Destination College to help students acquire essential life skills and prepare for their future college and career plans. The program also provides workshops in financial literacy, college and career exploration, leadership development, goal setting and planning for the future. Additionally, TRIO advisors meet individually with high school students to help them explore career and college pathways, complete financial aid applications, apply for scholarships, navigate college orientation and register for courses.

TRIO Destination College is grant-funded through the U.S. Department of Education and is dedicated to supporting junior high and high school students in successfully graduating from high school and enrolling in the college of their choice. To learn more about TRIO Destination College at Lake Land College, contact Director of TRIO Programs Lori Ohnesorge at 217-234-5007 or lohnesor@lakelandcollege.edu.


Staff Members Present International Student Support Initiatives for National Conference

Posted on November 26, 2024

Two Lake Land College staff members, Coordinator of International Studies Denver Daniels and Director of Student Success Services Kim Hunter, recently presented the College’s efforts to support international students at the 2024 Interstride Fall Symposium.

The Interstride Symposium is a virtual conference that unites higher education leaders across the country under the common goal of supporting international student success. During the conference, participants share strategies, insights and resources to help their peers better serve international students.

Lake Land College was among more than 20 colleges and universities that presented during the conference, sharing its international education initiatives alongside the most prestigious institutions in the country, including Harvard University, University of North Carolina and University of Georgia. Hunter and Daniels provided the presentation, offering a unique perspective on international education at a rural community college.

“Our international students are such an integral part of our campus here at Lake Land, and we want to make sure we do everything we can to help them accomplish their goals in an unfamiliar place,” said Daniels. “We’re so proud of the growth we’ve seen in our international studies program recently and can’t wait to see how it continues to expand.”

In Fall 2024, Lake Land College’s international student population grew by more than 50%. The College’s comprehensive approach to education and broad range of academic programs provide international students the perfect start to higher education or a direct path to workforce success. The College also offers an Intensive English Language Program (IELP) for all non-native speakers interested in advancing their English Language skills. To learn more about Lake Land College’s International Studies program, visit the Lake Land College website at LakeLandCollege.edu/International.

Two Lake Land College staff members presenting during a virtual conference.
At left, Coordinator of International Studies Program Denver Daniels and Director of Student Success Services Kim Hunter presenting for the 2024 Interstride Fall Symposium.


TRIO Destination College Program Holds Financial Literacy Workshops for Teens

Posted on November 25, 2024

In October, the Lake Land College TRIO Destination College program held financial literacy workshops for middle school and high school students.

The workshops were led by TRIO Destination College Outreach Advisors Tara Schaljo and Codi Julius, who engaged with 140 students across 18 schools. Schaljo and Julius led discussions on differentiating between needs and wants and helped students explore the cost of everyday items. The workshops also included an interactive “Price is Right” activity to help students discover the prices of various essential food items.

The financial literacy workshop is one of many offered by TRIO Destination College to help students acquire essential life skills. The program also offers workshops on college and career exploration, leadership development, time management, goal setting and planning for the future. Additionally, TRIO advisors meet individually with high school students to help them explore career and college pathways, complete financial aid applications, apply for scholarships, navigate college orientation and register for courses.

TRIO Destination College is grant-funded through the U.S. Department of Education and is dedicated to supporting junior high and high school students in successfully graduating high school and enrolling in the college of their choice. To learn more about TRIO Destination College at Lake Land College, contact Director of TRIO Programs Lori Ohnesorge at 217-234-5007 or lohnesor@lakelandcollege.edu.


Laker Visit Day Coming in December

Posted on November 22, 2024

Lake Land College will host Laker Visit Day on Friday, Dec. 6 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Luther Student Center. The event is designed for prospective students to learn about Lake Land College and the resources available to guide students to success.

Attendees will tour campus with a student ambassador, who will share information from a student perspective. Participants will also meet with faculty to learn more about specific programs.

Representatives from many services, including Counseling Services, Career Services, Student Accommodations, Student Wellness, TRIO Student Support Services and more will be available to provide information and answer attendees’ questions.

Attendees are also welcome to bring their parents or guardians to the event. A session will be offered to provide information relevant to parents or guardians of future Lakers.

“There’s no better way for a prospective student to learn what it’s like to attend Lake Land College,” Pam Hartke, Associate Dean of Recruitment & Enrollment Management, said. “If you’re interested in studying at Lake Land, even if it’s only for a few classes, this event is perfect for you.”

For more information or to register, visit the Lake Land College visit page at LakeLandCollege.edu/visit.


Newest Apprentices Honored at Annual Luncheon

Posted on

In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, Lake Land College held a celebratory luncheon to recognize business partnerships and apprentice accomplishments.

During the event, Michael Baker, Manager of Strategic Planning and Innovation from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, joined Lake Land College President Josh Bullock for a proclamation of National Apprenticeship Week. Courtney Yockey, President/CEO of Effingham Regional Growth Alliance, highlighted the personal and community-wide benefits of apprenticeship with a keynote address.

The newest Lake Land College apprentices, Ean Gardner of North American Lighting and Wyatt Haycraft of JB Esker & Sons, were also honored during the event with celebratory signings in recognition of their commitment to apprenticeship.

“It’s incredible to see apprentices and companies thrive with these ‘Earn and Learn’ programs, and it’s always an honor to celebrate these successes,” said Bonnie Moore, Director to the Center for Business and Industry. “We are proud of our many partnerships throughout our community to create these opportunities for both our students and local businesses.”

With Lake Land College’s apprenticeship programs, students develop crucial career skills with hands-on learning on Lake Land’s campus and apply those skills in real workplaces. The format provides students with a practical education, mentorship opportunities and the ability to earn a salary while their tuition is covered by a sponsoring business. These businesses, meanwhile, benefit from an expanded pool of qualified candidates for high-demand positions.

Apprenticeship opportunities at Lake Land College are available in a wide range of career fields, including construction, manufacturing, commercial driving and early childhood education. For more information, contact Moore at 217-238-8260 or bmoore71258@lakelandcollege.edu.

At left, Michael Baker, Manager of Strategic Planning and Innovation from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, joins Lake Land College President Josh Bullock for a proclamation of National Apprenticeship Week during the 2024 Lake Land College Apprenticeship Luncheon.
At left, Jennifer Manion, Manufacturing Team Development Manager at North American Lighting; Ean Gardner, Charleston; and Director of the Center for Business and Industry Bonnie Moore. Gardner was recognized with a celebratory signing during the 2024 Lake Land College Apprenticeship Luncheon.
At left, John Grunloh, General Manager at JB Esker & Sons, Inc.; Wyatt Haycraft, Effingham; and Director of the Center for Business and Industry Bonnie Moore. Haycraft was recognized with a celebratory signing during the 2024 Lake Land College Apprenticeship Luncheon.
At left, Michael Baker, Manager of Strategic Planning and Innovation from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and Ed Roley, KC Summers Service Manager, during the 2024 Lake Land College Apprenticeship Luncheon. KC Summers was recognized for its partnership with Lake Land College during the event.
At left, Michael Baker, Manager of Strategic Planning and Innovation from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity; Leslie Tarble, President and Co-Owner of Three Sisters Logistics; Chase Hollingsworth; Wyatt Mines; Abram Gray; Blake Pree and Christopher Smith. Three Sisters Logistics was recognized for its partnership with Lake Land College during the 2024 Apprenticeship Luncheon.

































Lake Land Holds Peace Pole and Historic Land Acknowledgment Dedication Ceremony

Posted on November 20, 2024

Lake Land College and the Rotary Club of Mattoon held a ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024 dedicating two new peace poles for Podesta Park and making history with the first reading of Lake Land’s Land Acknowledgment.

Acquired in collaboration with Mattoon Rotary, the peace poles serve as a symbol of worldwide unity, with the phrase, “May Peace Prevail on Earth,” currently inscribed in 19 languages across the two poles. The included languages represent those spoken by past and present international students as well as the indigenous tribes that first populated the region.

The dedication ceremony included addresses from Lake Land College President Josh Bullock and Rotary representatives Mike Martin, Rotary District Governor, and Noah A.J. Olson, Mattoon Rotary President. International student Tanatswa Mutamira, Zimbabwe, read an original poem during the event about her experiences. The event also featured the premiere of a video of the newly-installed peace poles in Podesta Park.

The event also included the inaugural reading of the Lake Land College Land Acknowledgment, recognizing the native tribes who first inhabited the region. Presented by Bullock as a presidential proclamation, the Land Acknowledgment demonstrates the College’s commitment to supporting local indigenous populations. The full Land Acknowledgment is available on the Lake Land College website at LakeLandCollege.edu/diversity/landacknowledgment.

“The Land Acknowledgment is a part of Lake Land’s commitment to creating an inclusive campus environment that celebrates diversity and values enrichment through awareness and education,” Bullock said. “For these reasons and more, we were thrilled when the Rotary Club of Mattoon approached the College with a proposal to install an International Peace Pole on campus.”

Rotary District Governor Mike Martin said the Peace Poles align with Rotary’s commitment to facilitating peace throughout the world.

“Rotary encourages conversations to foster understanding within and across cultures. We create an environment of peace. We believe peace is central to everything we do. In considering a location for the Peace Pole project, Lake Land College was a natural fit to support and engage their learners who come from local communities, from communities around the country and from communities around the world,” Martin said. “We thank you everyone for the opportunity for Rotary to partner with Lake Land College and lend our support this very worthy and noble cause.”

Mattoon Rotary President Noah A. J. Olson said the idea for the Peace Poles originated with the Peace Builder Club.

“What began as a suggestion, turned into a singular project, turned into a Lake Land- Rotary Partnership, and finally into a grassroots group to make this happen: involving Lake Land students, retired/current Lake Land staff and indigenous peoples,” Olson said.

“Our hope for the future is for the Peace Pole area to be utilized by the community, campus visitors, Lake Land students and employees to find comfort, peace and enjoyment in the area,” he added.

To learn more about the Lake Land College Peace Pole project, Land Acknowledgement and other diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, visit the Lake Land College website at LakeLandCollege.edu/diversity.

To learn more about Rotary, including the Rotary Youth Exchange, visit rotary.org/en.

An image of one of the Lake Land College Peace Poles.
The Lake Land College International Peace Pole was recently installed in Podesta Park and contains the phrase “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in several languages representing past and present international Lake Land students.
An image of one of the Lake Land College Peace Poles.
The Lake Land College Indigenous Peace Pole was recently installed in Podesta Park and contains the phrase “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in several languages from Native American tribes who first inhabited the region.
Lake Land College President presenting during a ceremony.
Lake Land College President Josh Bullock presents  during the Peace Pole and Land Acknowledgment Dedication Ceremony.


A representative of Mattoon Rotary presents during a ceremony.
Mattoon Rotary President Noah A.J. Olson presents during the Lake Land College Peace Pole and Land Acknowledgment Dedication Ceremony.


An international student presents during a ceremony.
Lake Land College international student Tanatswa Mutamira, Zimbabwe, reads a poem about her journey to America during the Lake Land College Peace Pole and Land Acknowledgment Dedication Ceremony.
A representative of Mattoon Rotary presents during a ceremony.
Rotary District Governor Mike Martin presents during the Lake Land College Peace Pole and Land Acknowledgment Dedication Ceremony.
























