Lake Land College

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EMS Graduates Recognized at Annual Pinning Ceremony

Posted on June 21, 2023

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Lake Land College recognized EMS program graduates at an annual pinning ceremony in May.

The recipient of the Top Student Award for highest score in the program was Zachary Homerding.

The Professional Development for overall growth in skills and confidence went to Sean “Patrick” Hannagan II.

Elizabeth Dudley earned the Perseverance Award for pushing through personal difficulties.

The Bumble Bee Award for untapped potential recipient was Cayla Jolly.

The Shirley Sherwood Award for Excellence in EMS education went to Zachary Homerding.

The following graduates were pinned at the ceremony:

  • Elizabeth Dudley from Brockton, IL being pinned by her husband Rob Dudley
  • Zachary Dye from Effingham being pinned by his daughter Nora
  • Sean “Patrick” Hannagan II from St. Elmo, IL being pinned by his instructor Paramedic Lucas Ruholl
  • Zachary Homerding From Lovington, IL being pinned by his daughter Raelynn and wife Dakota
  • Cayla Jolly from Honolulu, HI being pinned by her husband Paramedic Brandon Jolly, a 2021 graduate of the Lake Land College Paramedic program
  • Konner Kloever from Pana, IL being pinned by his dad Paramedic Danny Kloever
  • Preston Ozier from Bethany, IL being pinned by his dad Assistant Fire Chief/Paramedic Phil Ozier
  • Colton Romine from Mattoon, IL being Pinned by his dad Shift Captain and EMT-Basic Mike Romine
  • Aaron Templeton from Decatur, IL being pinned by his mom Andrea Templeton
  • Dakota Waldhoff from Sigel being pinned by her dad EMT-Basic Troy Althoff


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