Key Differences of Assessment

Course Assessment/Course Level Outcomes (CLOs): Assessment completed at the course level. CLOs are defined on our course information form. These learning outcomes are assessed through coursework and can directly relate to the Laker Learning Competencies. Data is collected through tests and artifacts, evaluated by the instructor and shared with the lead instructor.

  • Faculty should connect 3-5 learning outcomes to each course, documenting them on the Course Information Form.

Program Assessment/Program Level Outcomes (PLOs): Assessment completed at the program level. Outcomes are defined on our program information form. These learning outcomes are assessed through coursework among various courses throughout the program. Program directors or coordinators evaluate and assess student performance as a whole for the program.

  • Program learning outcomes are 3-5 outcomes defined for each program and are captured on the Program Development Form and Rationale for Course or Program Revisions Form.

Cocurricular Assessment: Assessment tasks are completed by groups of students who may have varying levels of exposure to the learning experience. Assessment tasks may be voluntary. Assessment may be linked to strategic plans or institutional outcomes (like general education). It may be useful to remember that learning activities serve two primary functions:

  • To inform – Learning activities that inform introduce the supporting knowledge that students need to perform the competency.
  • To practice – Learning activities that support practice require learners to interact, process and apply content so that they store what they have learned in long-term memory.

Curricular Learning: Curricular refers to the lessons and academic content taught in our courses and programs.

Curricular Assessment: A collaborative, intentional and iterative process of gathering and analyzing information to improve student learning and enhance student success. Assessment tasks are completed by classes of students who have been exposed to the same learning experiences over a period of time. Assessment tasks are embedded within a course and are course requirements.

Extracurricular Learning: Extracurricular activities are activities for students that are not in support of their course of study. They may grow efficacy or socially, but the learning is not specifically designed to support the curriculum. Examples include athletics and intramurals.

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs): Also known as general education outcomes and Laker Learning Competencies, ILOs are integral to the success of our students not only those who transfer to a four-year university but also those who go directly to the workforce upon completion.

HelioCampus uses the term Institutional Learning Outcomes for the previously termed Gen Ed Assessment so to not confuse we will be using the same terms as HelioCampus.

Working Teams Assessment: Departments’ institutional assessment is now called Master Planning for Working Teams and will be captured in a Word document on the S drive S:\Strategic Plan\Master Planning for Working Teams.