
Institutional Effectiveness

Our Purpose

The Institutional Effectiveness Team is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating internal and external data and information that supports the strategic direction and data-driven, decision-making. The Institutional Effectiveness Team is comprised of Institutional Research and Reporting, Data Analytics, Assessment, Program Review and Grants.

Our Goals

  • We work collaboratively with the campus community to implement numerous reports and dashboards to ensure student success and support the College’s mission.
  • We support the College’s Strategic Plan to ensure measureable outcomes are identified and key performance indicators are monitored.
  • We ensure that the College presents consistent, accurate, and reliable information and prepare reports to support the administration, faculty, staff, students and the Board of Trustees
  • We empower employees with data for decision making.
  • We ensure compliance with state and federal reporting.
  • We ensure compliance with the Higher Learning Commission and ICCB in Course Assessment, Program Assessment, Program Review, General Education Assessment, Co-Curricular Assessment and Institutional Assessment.
  • We facilitate the identification, development and submissions of grant proposals and assure compliance for those received.