Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Lake Land College is a public community college subject to all applicable state and federal laws and is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Freedom of Information Act was created to ensure transparency and accountability of governments at all levels. You can find more information about the Freedom of Information Act by going to the Illinois Attorney General’s website.

Please use this webpage to guide you in the process of making your FOIA request. However, we have provided several documents of interest on this webpage that you can access on your own without having to complete a FOIA request. After submitting your request via email, you can expect to receive confirmation from one of our FOIA officers. The College’s regular business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with the exception of mid-May to mid-August when we observe a four day work week to conserve energy costs. The first 50 pages of black and white, letter-, or legal-sized copies are free. The following additional fees will be charged and you will be required to pay the fees prior to the processing of your request:

  • Pages 51 and up will be charged 15 cents per page
  • Any CDs, disks or specialized drives required for the copying of electronic files will be charged at cost
  • Any large-sized documents that require specialized copying equipment such as blue prints, etc. will be charged at cost

Should you wish to appeal the College’s decision, you can contact the Public Access Counselor in the Attorney General’s Office:

Leah Bartelt, Public Access Counselor
Office of the Attorney General
500 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62706
Phone: 1-877-299-FOIA (1-877-299-3642)
Fax: 217-782-1396

Print the Request Form

Lake Land College FOIA Officers

Employee and Personnel Information: Dustha Wahls, Director of Human Resources, 217-234-5210
Fiscal, Budget or Financial Information: Madge Shoot, Comptroller, 217-234-5375
Student and Student Policy Information: Jamie Corda-Hadjaoui, Dean of Enrollment & Student Success, 217-238-8286
Media and College Communications: Kelly Allee, Director of Marketing & Public Relations, 217-234-5215
All FOIA Requests:

About Lake Land College/Public Record Documents

About Lake Land College
Public Record Documents


AFSCME Contract 2024-2027

Custodial Contract 2021-2024
Faculty Contract 2023-2026
Paraprofessional Contract 2020-2023

Public Act 096-0266


Construction Procurements

Click here to view these documents.

Financial Budgets and Audits

Click here to view these documents.