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Employee Directory
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*Select One*
Ade, Lauren
Adkison, Jase
Aideyan, Osaore
Alexander, Amber
Alexander, Kasey
Allee, Kelly
Allen, Samantha
Allen, Charles
Allen, Amanda
Allen, Daniel
Allen, Kathleen
Allen, Abigail
Allsop, Lesa
Althaus, Jon
Altig, David
Altman, Galen
Anderson, Stephanie
Ard, Viv
Arena, Tahni
Armstrong, Joellen
Arndt, Serenna
Arndt, James
Arnold, Tera
Arnold, Chad
Atwell, Sheila
Aukamp, Serenity
Aydt, Brendan
Aydt, James
Aydt, Stefan
Bacino-Althaus, Lara
Badman, Cami
Baker, Abraham
Baldwin, Patricia
Ballard, Jasmine
Banfield, Rachel
Barker, Jennifer
Barker, Jana
Barkley, Dyke
Barnett, Daniel
Bartlett, Jessica
Bates, Guy
Batman, Ryan
Bauer, Katrina
Bauguess, Abigail
Beam, Cheryl
Beavers, Michael
Beavers, Gary
Beck, Emma
Becker, Traci
Beliz, Jenny
Bell, Harry
Bence, Casey
Bender, Brian
Bennett, Graham
Bennett, Lisa
Bennett, Bryan
Bennett, Judy
Bennett, Kristy
Benson, Brooke
Benton, Gabriel
Bergstrom, Cooper
Bickford, John
Biehler, Marilyn
Bierman, Kendra
Bigard, Ashley
Billingsley, Jennifer
Bird, Jean
Black, Rhonda
Black, Gabriel
Black, Kelli
Blackford, Kaylee
Blankenship, Jennifer
Blaser, Tara
Blazich, Jerri
Bloemer, Katelyn
Bloemer, Tammy
Bloemer, Shawna
Boehlke, Chadwick
Bohac, Autumn
Bohanan, Richard
Booth, Kylee
Borries, Christa
Bowen, Mercury
Bowers, Keira
Bowling, Emily
Boyars, Robert
Branson, Jeffrey
Breer, Lynn
Breer, Morgan
Brewer, Paul
Brickner, Cheyenne
Bridges, Stephanie
Bridgman, Steven
Bright, Andrea
Brough, Gayle
Brown, Sharon
Brown, Angela
Brown, Chris
Brozis, Sophia
Brueggemann, Tara
Bruhn, James
Bruns, Kata
Bruyn, Shari
Bullock, Jonathan
Bunch-Epperson, Genine
Burchett, Patricia
Burrell, Krista
Burrell, Bryan
Bushue, Molly
Bushue, Kate
Bushur, Maria
Butler, Brian
Butler, Patricia
Butts, Lori
Buzzard, Dion
Byard, April
Byers, Jessica
Caldwell, Nancy
Caldwell, Nicholas
Call, Martin
Campbell, Peggy
Campbell, Haylee
Campbell-Henry, Penny
Capitosti, Gregory
Carlen, Austin
Carlin, Nathaniel
Carpenter, John
Carpenter, Cassandra
Carr, Sarah
Carr, William
Carr, Claire
Carroll-Benavides, Lisa
Carter, Natashia
Carter, Adam
Casey, Nick
Cather, Darci
Catt, Dannielle
Cbeopenlab, Eab
Chambers, David
Chaney, Lance
Chappell, Hal
Childress, Faith
Christman, Lynnetta
Clark, Deanna
Clatfelter, Aleah
Claybaugh, Jennifer
Cline, Carol
Closson, James
Coad, Samantha
Coderko, Lesley
Cohan, Michael
Cole, Lisa
Cole, Dylan
Cole, Bailey
Collins, Kevin
Collins, Jackelyn
Compton, Connie
Compton, Daniel
Conley, Eva
Conlin, Courtney
Considine, Kerry
Coonce, Amy
Corda Hadjaoui, Jamie
Cornaghie, Todd
Cornell, Jean
Cornwell, Sallee
Cothern, Gregory
Cothern, Kelly
Cottle, Kelly
Coughlin, Kerrie
Cougill, Andrew
Cox, Virgil
Cox, Morgan
Craig, Devin
Craig, Bethany
Crane, Leon
Crews, Nathan
Croft, Hank
Crone, William
Crowder, James
Cruit, Laney
Cukle, Feda
Curry, Brent
Cutler, Teri
Dail, Timothy
Dailey, Madison
Dal Ponte, Marc
Dal Pozzo, Thomas
Dalby, Deanna
Daniels, Denver
Dasenbrock, Charity
Datatel, New
Daugherty, Rachel
Daugherty, Kathleen
Davis, Kimberly
Davis Rincker, Laurie
Davison, Angela
Dawson, Kieran
DeWeese, Jennifer
Deadmond, Kelsey
Denning, Haili
Denton, Debra
Deornellas, Laura
Dexheimer, Lynn
Dick, Joshua
Dick, Alexander
Diel, Patricia
Dill, Gregory
Dogwiler, Gregg
Donaldson, Douglas
Donaldson, Lynne
Donaldson, Faith
Donberger, Damian
Donley, Hilary
Donsbach, Christina
Doty, Suzett
Doty, Michael
Downs, Danielle
Dragovan, Nathaniel
Drake, Allen
Drone, Rebekah
Dundee, Wade
Dust, Holly
Dust, Meredith
Earnst, Cassie
Earp, David
Earp, Rebecca
Earp, Lisa
Eddy, William
Edwards, Mark
Egejuru, Brian
Elam, Robin
Endsley, Keith
Englum, Kiarra
Ennis, Emily
Ervin, Rachel
Ervin, Ryan
Ethridge, Nicole
Evans, Megan
Evans, Annetta
Ewell, Ryan
Fagan, Douglas
Farner, Scott
Farris, Katrina
Fatheree, Dustyn
Faulkner, Deacon
Fearday, Erica
Ferguson, Brooke
Ferren, Holly
Finks, Patricia
Finney, Stephanie
Fisher, Kerry
Fitzgerald, Andrew
Flach, Rachel
Flavin, Deborah
Flowers, Timothy
Fogarty, Rebecca
Fraser, Brian
Frazier, Darrius
Freeman, Gabriel
Freshour, Kristine
Fulk, Joshua
Fulk, Tanishia
Fuller, Chloe
Gaines, Charles
Gaines, Andrew
Garcia, Robert
Garzolini-Skelton, Staci
Gaslain, David
Gast, Jasmine
Geiger, William
Gentry, Wyatt
Ghere, Lori
Gibbons, Olivia
Gibson, Martin
Gibson, Jeremy
Gill, Michelle
Gill, Avery
Gillenwater, Matthew
Gillespie, Alex
Gilson, Kianna
Gisondi, Sarah
Glennon, Kelly
Goad, Tisha
Godinez, Julio
Goncalves de Araujo, Luciana
Goodner, Courtney
Gordon, Camille
Gosnell, Michael
Goss, Noah
Gough, Grayson
Gough, Zachary
Gough, Amanda
Gracey, Jeremy
Graves, Chad
Green, Bennett
Greider, Matthew
Groennert, Harvey
Guyon, Colt
Haacke, Troy
Haarman, Neal
Haarmann, Jamie
Hadjaoui, Ahmed
Hakman, Stacey
Halloran-Frailey, Tamara
Hammond, Diana
Hammond-Lawyer, Stephanie
Hampton, John
Handlin, Barbara
Hanner, Tyler
Hardiek, Karla
Hardiek, Gail
Harley, Sarah
Harley, Scott
Harper, Gregory
Harris, Heavenlee
Harris, La Tasha
Hart, April
Hartbank, Jenny
Hartke, Abby
Hartke, Pamela
Hartke, Megan
Hartke, John
Hartrich, Elizabeth
Hartsfield, Brijitte
Haskenherm, Tarah
Haskett, Ellie
Haskett, Hayley
Haskins, Brian
Hasten, Janet
Havlik, William
Hawkins, Anna
Hawks, Michael
Hayes, Cobin
Hedges, Jennifer
Heinecke, Ryan
Heinen, Jaci
Helmink, Kathryn
Helmink, Jeanine
Henderson, Caden
Hendrickson, Jennifer
Hendrix, John
Herendeen, Sierra
Heuerman, Jill
Hewitt, Melinda
Hewitt, Paul
Hicks, Cecelia
Higgs, David
Highland, Jean Anne
Highland, Mark
Hiland, Ronald
Hill, Sarah
Hincapie Alzate, Samuel
Hinds, Kambri
Hinote, Peighton
Hinton, Lori
Hjort, Carol
Hodges, Rebekah
Hodges, John
Hoene, Brooke
Hoene, Kurt
Hoene, Gage
Hoene, Mariah
Hoenes, Joseph
Holley, Susie
Holshouser, Amber
Homann, Ashley
Honselman, Haley
Hood, Shannon
Hopper, Avery
Horsch, Scott
Horton, Jesse
Housh, Sarah
Howell, Cecil
Huber, Charles
Huddleston, Lacy
Huelsmann, Allan
Huffmaster, Audrey
Hunt, Richard
Hunter, Kimberly
Hunzinger, Brenda
Hurt, Kenneth
Huston, Ruby
Ingersoll, Betsy
Jackson, Lainey
Jackson, William
Jackson, William
Jamerson, Carly
Janssen, Brad
Jarrell, Charles
Jarrell, Anneliese
Jarrett, James
Jeisy, Kyle
Jennings, Jarold
Jewell, Michaelena
Jo, Tomoko
Johnson, Davis
Johnson, Katherine
Johnson, Amanda
Johnson, David
Johnson, Daniel
Jones, Cory
Jones, Bambi
Jones, Nichole
Jones, Monica
Jones, Rashawn
Jones, Michaela
Jordan, Jocelyn
Julius, Codi
Juneau, Gary
Kakara, Suzanne
Kambobe, Pamela
Kanyembo, Natasha
Kasera, Noella
Kaufman, Rachel
Kaurin, Joy
Kearns, Jace
Kearns, William
Kegerreis, Andrea
Keller, Rachel
Kelly, Abbie
Kelly, Michelle
Kelly, Jana
Kepley, Chris
Kepley, Kirk
Kersey, Kris
Kersey, James
Kessler, Christopher
Kessler, Christian
Kidwell, Tina
King, Patricia
King, Amy
Kingery, Daniel
Kinkelaar, Lindsey
Kirby, Marsha
Kitten, Leo
Klauser, Ryan
Knebel, Ty
Knoblett, Morgan
Knodle, Cody
Koester, Allyson
Koontz, Willow
Koontz, Andie
Kramer, Sara
Kreke, Allyssa
Kriesel, June
Kroeger, Devon
Landrus, Matthew
Lang, Justin
Lange, Jennifer
Lange, Patrick
Lareau, Sarah
Larry, Julian
Lash, Lara
Latch, Jacob
Latch, Amanda
Laughhunn, Seirra
Lawless, Cade
Lawyer, Jeffery
Layton, Jill
Lebold, Jonathan
Lee, Julian
Lee, Sharon
Leisch, Lisa
Leisch, Timothy
Lenz, William
Lewis, Robert
Logan, Susan
Lotz, Katie
Lovelace, Kelly
Lowry, Dustin
Loy, Ashley
Lucht, Sarah
Lurkins, Katie
Lusk, Peter
Lynch, Annette
Lynn, Daniel
Macklin, Lara
Madlem, Brian
Madlem, Benjamin
Maillet-Gibson, Tiffany
Manisa, Benjamin
Manley, Breana
Mapes, Misty
Maphosa, Emmanuel
Marceau, David
Marino Lopez, Juliana
Marlar, Cody
Marler, Kristine
Marsh, Jasmine
Marsh, Ernest
Marshall, Brianna
Martin, Jamie
Martin, Juliana
Martin, Shelly
Mason, Todd
Mason, Ronald
Mason, Dustin
Mather, Sharon
Matherly, David
Mathis, Caleb
Matteson, Michelle
Mattox, Soule
Mayer, Bonnie
Mayhaus, Danielle
McCain, John
McClelland, Morris
McCoy, Donna
McDaniel, John
McDowell, Grace
McDunnin, Hailie
McFarland, Michele
McGregor, Shannon
McKenzie, Michelle
McMillen, Nichole
McNeill, Damon
McNinch, Trese
Meadows, Janet
Meeker, Allison
Meese, Allison
Meinhart, Megan
Melton, Jennifer
Merry-Niebrugge, Margaret
Merryman, Jani
Meseke, Lori
Messner, Brian
Metzger, Teresa
Miller, Karla
Miller, Kevin
Miller, Nathan
Miller, Kimberly
Miller, Misty
Miller, Claire
Miller, Erin
Mioux, Martha
Misenheimer, Roger
Molzen, Kara
Monte de Oca, Rolando
Montgomery, Cathy
Moore, Tina
Moore, Bonnie
Moore, Jeremy
Moore, Breanna
Moore, Michael
Moran, Macy
Morris, Janet
Morse, Robert
Mose, Michael
Msoni, McKay
Mtonga, Natasha
Mueller, Rebecca
Mufalo, Ifunga
Mumm, Tiffany
Mummel, Scott
Munoz, Aleyda
Murphy, Jacob
Murphy, Penny
Murray, Brandon
Musonda, Mulowa
Myer, Cynthia
Myers, Kendra
Myerscough, Brittany
Nading, Danielle
Nadolski, Randall
Nanjela, Lungowe
Naroze, Mark
Nasseripour, Rakhsha
Ndjoku, Gradi
Nelson, Megan
Neu, Russell
Newell, Robert
Newell, Kimberly
Newlin, Kathy
Nhliziyo, Nothando
Niebrugge, Lexie
Niebrugge, Toni
Niebrugge, Amber
Niebrugge, Erin
Niemerg, Kellie
Ninness, Richard
Nohren, Maria
Nohren, Andrew
Nohren, Heather
Nolen, William
Norris, Tamara
North, Julia
Nugent, Susan
Nwosu, Ikemefuna
Oakley, Benjamin
Ogilvie, Nichole
Ohnesorge, Lori
Olarge, Annabelle
Olenge, Joseph
Oluoch, Anthony
Onigkeit, Justin
Orlet, Christopher
Orrick, Samuel
Osborne, Donnie
Owens, Jaclyn
Ozier, Stacia
Paige, Ashlyn
Palmer, Jessie
Pals, Morgan
Pals, Hayley
Panful, Benjamin
Parker, Lisa
Parker, Delana
Parks-Parton, Toni
Parr, Angela
Parrish, Katie
Patton, Anna
Payne, Caleb
Pearce, Clark
Penrod, Paul
Perez, Meredith
Perkins, Alexandria
Perry, Jimmie
Perry, Emily
Petak, Anyssa
Peterson, Jennifer
Phegley, Carrieann
Phillips, Sharon
Phipps, Cynthia
Pickering, Krista
Pinner, Elizabeth
Pittenger, Tammy
Plummer, Sheila
Plummer, Teresa
Poffinbarger, Carolyn
Polston, Renee
Pope, Kelli
Porter, Cassandra
Porter, Janice
Poulin, Dylan
Powers, Gregory
Powers, Sarah
Pullen, Kallie
Rachar, Kara
Raddatz, Tara
Ragon, Bryce
Ramage, Emily
Ramert, Halle
Rauschek, Travis
Rawlings, Scott
Ray, Rick
Reeter, Molly
Reichert, Jacob
Reinhart, Anthony
Reynolds, Casey
Reynolds, Gregory
Reynolds, Theresa
Rhine, Scott
Rhine, Marla
Rice, Kelly
Richards, Sydney
Richards, Tyler
Rickey, Constance
Rienbolt, Lacey
Rienbolt, Heidi
Riggs, Jeffrey
Rincker, Madilyn
Rincon Rojas, Jean
Ritchey, Eva
Roach, Ethan
Roan, Amber
Robb, Rylee
Roberts, Brett
Roberts, Laura
Robertson, Zachary
Robinson, Michael
Robinson, Canyon
Robinson, Jeffrey
Robison, Sean
Robison, Josh
Robison, Scott
Robison, Walter
Rogers, Raven
Rogers, Mary
Rosenbery, Madalynn
Rothe, Justy
Rubin, Valerie
Rubin, Sidney
Rubin, Talianna
Rubin, Ariel
Rudibaugh, Mike
Ruholl, Lucas
Ruot, Jason
Salami, Aisha
Sanders, Abigail
Satterwhite, Marcy
Sawyer, Brett
Saxon, Naomi
Schabbing, Jeannie
Schaefer, William
Schaljo, Tara
Schettler, Brendon
Schmidt, Hannah
Schoonover, Crystal
Schout, Nellie
Schultz, Emma
Schumacher, Allison
Schwenke, Michael
Scott, Bonnie
Seabaugh, Michele
Seaton, Kurt
Sexson, Austin
Sharp, Tony
Shawver, Gavin
Sheffer, Emily
Sherwood, Shirley
Shoemaker, Christine
Shonkwiler, Ryan
Shook, Ciara
Shoot, Madge
Short, Todd
Shriver, Jody
Shumard-Shelton, Lisa
Shumway, Sue
Sigrist, Bailey
Simmons, Patricia
Simpson, Brooke
Sines, James
Skelley, Vivian
Skidmore, Maria
Skowronski, Emma
Smedley, Stacy
Smith, Alison
Smith, Paula
Smith, Jody
Smith, Logan
Smith, Molly
Smith, Chad
Smithenry, Kimberly
Snearly, Jill
Snoddy, McKenzie
Snyder, Jay
Spanhook, Kimberly
Speer, Clara
Spencer, Audri
Spitz, Jacob
Spour, Jill
Stalets, Deeanna
Stallings, Jordan
Stanley, Cornelius
Starrett, Kai
Stevenson, Keith
Stewart, David
Stolz, Timothy
Stolz, Cheryl
Storm, Janalee
Stovall, Martina
Strader, Wyatt
Stremming, Morgan
Strode, Celestia
Strohl, Maria
Strohl, Randall
Strohl, Christine
Strohm, Kylee
Strong, Christopher
Suckow, Jeffrey
Sumitro, Richard
Swann, Jodi
Sweeney, Amy
Swingler, Erin
Tabbert, Alexis
Tackett, Jennifer
Tardy, Aaron
Tariq, Faisal
Tawdros, Nermine
Taylor, Mackenzie
Taylor, Shelby
Taylor, Patrick
Thies, Trevor
Thoele, Shae
Thoele, Lynsey
Thomas, Edward
Thomas, Milah
Thomas, Parnell
Thomas, Sarah
Tillman, Catherine
Tipsword, Kayla
Tirevold, Jodi
Titus, Thomas
Tkachuk, Jerome
Todd, Dalton
Tolppanen, Lori
Totten, Ty
Totten, Mandy
Tracy, Kailyn
Trainor, Sophie
Trier, Slater
Trier, Peyton
Trigg, Jason
Tuck, Michael
Turnbull, David
Turner, Arthur
Ulm, Tanille
Uphoff, Beulah
Uphoff Nees, Christina
Upton, Joseph
Upton, Jacob
Van Pelt, Paul
Vandenbergh, Susan
Vercellino, Peter
Vineyard, Rebecca
Vogel, David
Voudrie, Lucas
Wahls, Dustha
Walk, Penny
Walk, Aaron
Walk, Lori
Walk, Vince
Walker, Rachael
Ward, Tyler
Warden, Jade
Warrick, Alex
Watkins, Crystal
Watson, Carena
Watson, Debbie
Watson, Tara
Watters, Katherine
Waymoth, Karla
Webel, Anna
Welch, Christina
Welland, Steve
Wellbaum, Kimberly
Wendt, Aaron
Westendorf, James
Westendorf, Nathan
Wetzel, Denise
Wheeler, Asheley
Wheeler, Elizabeth
Whisenand, Timothy
White, Lee
White, Diana
White, Jennifer
White, Jeffrey
White, Christina
White-Landrus, Mariah
Whitten, Staci
Wilder, Hayden
Wildman, Ryan
Wiles, Tessa
Wilhoit, Sarah
Willenborg, Katherine
Williams, Mark
Williams, Tiffany
Williamson, Dannette
Wilson, Sheila
Wilson, Paul
Wilson, Nicholas
Winchester, Colleen
Wines, Jeff
Winkleman, Jason
Winkleman, Christine
Winson, Diana
Wirth, Krishna
Wise, Wesley
Wohlschlaeger, Jessica
Wood, Steven
Wood, Adalyn
Wood, April
Woodruff, John
Woods, Devon
Wooten, Katelin
Workman, Bethany
Wright, Tracy
Wright, Vanessa
Wright, Sarah
Yactor, Robin
Yao, Wen Li
Yeske, Molly
Young, Brandon
Young, Rachel
Yuce, Tuana
Zike, Philip
Zimmerle, Jerad
Zoller, Steven
Zuber, Vanessa
Find by Department
*Select One*
Academic Services
Admissions & Records
Adult Education
Allied Health
Big Muddy River Corr Cntr
Business Services
Career Services
Center for Business & Industry
College Advancement
Counseling Services
Decatur Correctional Center
Disability Services
Dixon Correctional Center
Dual Credit Program
East Moline Correctional Cntr
Financial Aid & Vet Services
Fitness Center
Graham Correctional Center
Harrisburg Youth Center
Hill Correctional Center
Human Resources
Il Dept of Transporation
Illinois River Correctional Ct
Information Systems & Services
Institutional Research
Jacksonville Correctional Ctr
John Deere
Joliet Treatment Center
Kewanee Correctional Center
Kluthe Center
Lawrence Correctional Center
Library Services
Lincoln Correctional Center
Logan Correctional Center
Marketing and Public Relations
Massage Therapy
Math & Science General
Murphysboro Life Skill Center
Physical Plant
Pinckneyville Correctional Ctr
Police Dept
President's Office
Print Shop
Recruitment & Enrollment Mgmt
Robinson Correctional Center
Shawnee Correctional Center
Sheridan Correctional Center
Social Science & Education Gen
Southwestern Correctional Ctr
Student Life
Student Services
Student Success Center
Student Wellness Center
Taylorville Correctional Ctr
Technology General
TRIO Destination College
TRIO Student Support Services
Vandalia Correctional Center
Vienna Correctional Center
Western Correctional Center
Workforce Solutions & Comm Ed
Find by Position
*Select One*
Academic Counselor
Academic Counselor/Chair
Academic Scheduling Coordinator
Academic Services Specialist
Accounting & Payroll Specialist
Accounting Assistant
Accounting Assistant III - Accounts Receivable
Adjunct DOC College Funded Instructor
Adjunct Faculty Agriculture Division
Adjunct Faculty Agriculture Division Substitute
Adjunct Faculty Allied Health Division
Adjunct Faculty Allied Health Division Substitute
Adjunct Faculty Business Division
Adjunct Faculty Humanities Division
Adjunct Faculty Math and Science Division
Adjunct Faculty Social Science Division
Adjunct Faculty Technology Division
Adjunct Faculty Technology Division Substitute
Adm Asst for Enrollment & Stud
Administrative Assistant Marshall Ext Center
Administrative Assistant Pana Ext Center
Administrative Assistant for the Dean of Academic Oper.
Administrative Assistant to Agriculture and Technology
Administrative Assistant to Allied Health
Administrative Assistant to Business
Administrative Assistant to Career Services
Administrative Assistant to Dean of Correctional Programs
Administrative Assistant to Field House Operations
Administrative Assistant to Humanities
Administrative Assistant to Math/Science and SSE
Administrative Assistant to the Kluthe Center
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President
Administrative Assistant to the Vice-President
Admissions & Records Specialist
Admissions Services Specialist
Admissions and Records Commencement Assistant
Admissions and Records Data Entry Assistant
Adult Education Advisor
Adult Education Instructor
Adult Education Transition Coordinator
Ag Power Technology Instructor
Ag Volunteer
Agriculture Business Instructor
Agriculture Education Intern
Agriculture Instructor / Judging Team Coach
Agronomy Instructor/Farm Manager
Allied Health BNA Adjunct Faculty
Allied Health BNA Clinical Instructor (hourly)
Allied Health Den Clinical Instructor (hourly)
Allied Health Ems Unpaid Adjunct
Allied Health Lab Assistant
Allied Health Specialist
Application Engineer
Applied Engineering Technology Instructor
Apprenticeship Coordinator
Art Instructor
Assistant Comptroller & Purchasing Coordinator
Assistant Director of Financia
Assistant Director of Physical Plant Operations
Assistant Director of Trio Destination College
Assistant Livestock Judging Coach
Assistant Softball Coach
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach
Assistant to Dean of Corrections
Associate Dean
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Correctional Programs
Associate Dean of Recruitment & Enrollment Management
Athletic Department Bus Driver
Athletic Operations and Dev Specialist / Head Coach
Athletic Trainer
Automotive Technology Instructor
Basic Nurse Assistant Instructor
Basketball Scorers/Timers
Biological Science Instructor
Bldg Construction Technology Instructor/Coordinator
Bookstore Assistant
Bookstore Rush Worker
Broadcast Engineer
Business Inst/Prog Coord., Dsktop Pub/Graphic Design
Business Instr/Program Coord., Ofc Professionals
Business Instructor
Business Instructor/Program Coordinator Accounting
Business Instructor/Program Coordinator, Ofc Prof-Medical
Business Instructor/Program Coordinator,Management/Marketing
CBI Leadership Instructor
CBI Training Specialist
CIM Technology Instructor/Program Coordinator
Chemistry Instructor
Chief Information Officer
Chief of Police
Chief of Staff
Civil Engineering Technology Instructor/Coordinator
Clinical Dentist
College Advancement Intern
College Nurse
College Work-Study
Commercial Driver Training Instructor
Communication Studies Instructor
Communications Engagement Coordinator
Communications Specialist
Community & Professional Programs Coordinator
Community Learning Instructor
Construction Occupations
Construction Occupations Instructor - Vandalia
Coor for Student Comm. & Initiatives
Coordinator of Curriculum Development
Coordinator of Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging
Coordinator of Employment and Compensation
Coordinator of International Studies Program
Coordinator of Laker Nest & Bookstore
Correctional Auto Technology Instructor
Correctional Auto Technology Instructor
Correctional Automotive Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Career Technology Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Cooking Instructor
Correctional Commercial Custodial Instructor
Correctional Commercial Custodial Instructor
Correctional Commercial Maintenance Instructor
Correctional Construction Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Construction Occupations Instructor
Correctional Cosmetology Instructor
Correctional Custodial Maintenance Instructor
Correctional Custodial Maintenance Instructor
Correctional Custodial Maintenance Instructor
Correctional Custodial Maintenance Instructor
Correctional Food Service Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulture Instructor
Correctional Horticulure Instructor
Correctional Maintenance Instructor
Correctional Manufacturing Skills Instructor
Correctional Manufacturing Skills Instructor
Correctional Offfice Assistant
Correctional Offfice Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Office Assistant
Correctional Remedial Bridge Instructor
Correctional Warehousing Instructor
Correctional Warehousing Instructor
Correctional Welding Instructor
Correctional Welding Instructor
Cosmetology Clinical Instr (hourly)
Cosmetology Instructor
Cosmetology Receptionist
Counseling Services Coordinator
Counseling Services Operations Specialist
Counseling Services Specialist
Counselor Student Accommodations, Mental Health Initiatives
Course Material Specialist
Court Reporter Consultant
Creative Design Training Coordinator
Criminal Justice Instructor/Coord Criminal Justice Programs
Curriculm Development Manager
Custodial Maintenance Instructor
Custodial Services Supervisor
Custodian - First Shift
DOC Infrastructure Specialist
DOC Special Projects Manager
Data Analyst & Assessment Coordinator
Dean for Workforce Solutions & Community Education
Dean of Academic Operations
Dean of Correctional Programs North
Dean of Correctional Programs South
Dean of Enrollment & Student Success
Dental Hygiene Instructor
Developmental Reading and Writing Instructor
Digital Communications Coordinator
Digital Media Specialist
Director Student Success Services
Director of Admissions & Records
Director of Adult Education
Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Relations
Director of Athletics
Director of Career Services
Director of Data Analytics
Director of Dual Credit
Director of Effingham Education & Regional Ext Centers
Director of Enterprise Applications
Director of Financial Aid and Veteran Services
Director of Human Resources
Director of Information Security
Director of Institutional Research and Reporting
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Director of Student Life
Director of Technical Services
Director of Trio Programs
Director of the Center for Business & Industry
Division Chair - Tech & Bus.
Division Chair Agriculture / Agriculture Instructor
Division Chair Allied Health/Nursing Instructor
Division Chair Hum & Comm/Comm Studies/English Instructor
Division Chair Math & Science/Geography/Earth Science Instr.
Division Chair Social Science / Education/ Psych Instructor
Donor Information & Database Coordinator
Dual Credit Coordinator
Dual Credit Events & Onboardin
Dual Credit Instructor
Dual Credit Specialist
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Economics Instructor
Education Instructor
Education Specialist
Electronics Engineering Technology Instr/Program Coordinator
Emergency Services Program Director & Clinical Coordinator
Employment Specialist
Engineering & Drafting Technician
English Composition Instructor
English Instructor
Enrollment Specialist
Enrollment Specialist - Ag Career & Technical
Executive Assistant to the President's Office
Executive Director for College Advancement
Facilities Coordinator to Physical Plant Operations
Facilities Planning Manager
Financial Aid & Veteran Services Advisor
Financial Aid Accountant
Financial Aid Scholarship Specialist
Financial Aid Student Communication Specialist
Financial Aid Verification Specialist
Financial Analyst
Fitness Center Specialist
Foundation Awards & Corporate Relations Coordinator
Foundation Office Coordinator
Grants Writer and Coordinator
HVAC Instructor
Head Cheer Coach
Head Men & Women's Cross Coun
Health and Physical Education Instructor
High School Unpaid Intern
History Instructor
Horticulture Instructor
Horticulture Instructor - Vandalia
Human Resources Assistant
Human Resources Representative
Human Service Clinical Supervisor
IDOC CPR Instructor
IDOT QMTP Instructor/Program Coordinator
IDOT QMTP Lab Assistant
IDOT QMTP Program Specialist
IDOT Quality Management Training Program Specialist
IDOT Quality Management Training Program Specialist
IEL Instructor
ISS Technical Support Technician
Industrial Maintenance Instructor/Coordinator
Information Security Specialist
Infrastructure Administrator
Infrastructure Analyst
Instructional Designer
International Student Ambassador
Internship & Employment Coordinator
It Instructor/Program Coordinator, It-Network Administration
John Deere Technology Instructor
Kluthe Test Proctor
Lab & Chemical Safety Coordinator
Lab Student Assistant
Lake Land College Student Trustee
Laker Mascot Talent
Lead Custodian
Library Assistant
Library Cataloging /Acquisitions Assistant
Library Circulation Assistant
Mailroom Assistant
Maintenance I
Maintenance II
Marketing Production Specialist
Marketing Publication & Design Coordinator
Marketing Specialist
Marketing and Public Relations Intern
Master Gardener
Mathematics Instructor
Mechanical/Electrical Technology Instructor/Program Coord.
Medical Assistant Program Instructor
Men's Asst Basketball Coach Volunteer
Men's Basketball Assistant
Newspaper Editor - Student Newspaper
Nursing Instructor
Nursing Instructor
Ofc Assistant Vo-Tech Dept
Ofc Assistant to Allied Health Programs
Online Support & Instructional Specialist
Part-Time Custodian
Part-Time Groundskeeper
Perkins Specialist
Perkins Student Worker
Philosophy / English Instructor
Physical Plant Assistant
Physical Therapist Assistant Instructor
Physics Instructor
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant & Coor for Emergency Mgt Response & Training
Print Shop Graphic Designer Print Asst
Print Shop Technician
Print Shop Technician Assistant
Print and Mail Services Supervisor
Program Manager
Psychology Instructor
Recruitment & Enrollment Management Assistant
Sign Language Interpreter
Simulation Lab Nurse
Sociology Instructor
Spanish/English Instructor
Special Assistant to the President
Special Assistant to the Vice-President for Academic Servic
Special Needs Note Taker
Speech Communication/Broadcasting Instructor
Sports Information & Compliance Coord-Head Baseball Coach
Sr. Human Resources Generalist and College Compliance Coord
Strength & Conditioning Coach/Head Men's Basketball Coach
Student Engagement Administrative Assistant
Student Life Specialist
Student Life Unpaid Intern
Student Services Intern
Student Success Specialist
Student Wellness Center Manager
Student Wellness Specialist
Summer College for Youth Assistant
System Administrator
TRIO Office Coordinator
Talent Search Tutor - Bachelors
Technical Support Assistant
Technical Support Specialist
Technical Support Specialist II
Technical Training Coordinator
Technical Training Specialist - CBI
Test Proctor
Traffic Safety Instructor
Training & Development Coordinator
Transportation Training Coordinator
Transportation Training Specialist
Trio Destination College Outreach Advisor
Trio Student Support Services Advisor
Tutor - Bachelor's Degree - Learning Assistance Center
Tutor - Disability Services
Tutor - Student Learning Assistance Center
Tutoring Services Specialist
Vice President for Academic Services
Vice President for Business Services
Volleyball Assistant Coach
Web Developer
Web Programmer
Welding Instructor - Vandalia
Welding Instructor/Coordinator
Wide Format Specialist
Women's Basketball Assistant Coach
Workforce Solutions Specialist
Find by Workgroup
*Select One*
Support Staff
Adjunct Faculty
Find by Division
*Select One*
Business Services
Institutional Advancement
Student Services
Academic Services
President's Office
On Campus Department Main Numbers
On Campus
Information for all college numbers except those listed below
217-234-LAKE (5253)
Accounting/Tuition & Fees
Admissions Office
Adjunct Faculty
Agriculture Division
Allied Health Division
Alumni Association
Business Division
Career Services
Cosmetology Clinic
Counseling Services
Dental Hygiene Clinic
Dual Credit Program
Financial Aid and Veterans Services
Fitness Center
Health Services
Honors Program
Human Resources
Humanities & Communication Division
Information Systems and Services
Circulation Desk
Reference Desk
Marketing and Public Relations
Math & Science Division
President’s Office
Print Shop
Police Department
Main line
Social Science Division
Student Accommodations
Student Life
Technology Division
TRiO Destination College
TRiO Student Support Services
Tutoring and Testing Center
Workforce Development Center
Adult Education/GED
Center For Business & Industry
Commercial Driver Training
Community Education
Correctional Programs
Professional Development
Traffic Safety
Off Campus Department Main Phone Numbers
Off Campus
Eastern Region Center at the Forsythe Center
224 South Sixth Street
Marshall, IL 62441
Kluthe Center for Higher Education and Technology
1204 Network Center
Effingham, IL 62401
Massage Therapy Program
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Western Region Center
600 East First Street
Pana, IL 62557
Correctional Sites
Big Muddy
618-437-5300, ext. 481
217-877-0353, ext. 370
815-288-5561, ext. 2509
East Moline
309-755-4511 ext. 2312
217-532-6961, ext. 2751
309-343-4212, ext. 395
Illinois River
309-647-7030, ext. 510
217-245-1488, ext. 336
Joliet Treatment Center
815-730-4400, ext. 2105
Kewanee Life Skills Center
309-852-4601, ext. 3302
618-936-2064, ext. 2751
217-735-5411, ext. 473
217-735-5581, ext. 3384
618-565-2944, ext. 122
618-357-9722, ext. 2515
618-546-5659, ext. 5811
618-658-8331, ext. 2089
815-496-2181, ext. 2410
618-394-2200, ext. 2410
217-824-4004, ext. 5812
618-283-4170, ext. 2545
618-658-8371, ext. 291
217-773-4441, ext. 610
Youth Centers
IYC Harrisburg
618-252-8681, ext. 137
IYC St. Charles
630-584-0506, ext. 1303
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