
Dual Credit

Dual Credit is a partnership between Lake Land College and district high schools that provides students the opportunity to earn college credit prior to high school graduation. Dual credit courses are offered in the convenience of the high school classroom during the regular high school day. In addition to the convenience of gaining college credit during their regular school day, dual credit students experience the benefits of time savings, reduced college costs, college preparation, and early Lake Land College registration.

Currently, the Lake Land College Dual Credit program serves more than 1,500 students annually in  32 high schools. More than 80 dual credit courses are offered, including both transfer-level and career and technical courses. Course offerings are dependent on each high school’s number of qualified instructors.

State Laws, Regulations and Accreditation Standards

In creating DCP Policies and Procedures, the following regulations are taken into consideration:

  • Lake Land College Board of Trustees Policy 06.19
  • Illinois Community College Board Administrative Rule 1501.507.b.11, p.42-43
  • State of Illinois Dual Credit Quality Act (110 ILCS 27/20), and
  • Higher Learning Commission’s “Dual Credit for Institutions and Peer Reviewers.”

Contact us

Dual Credit Office at 217-234-5044 or email at dcp@lakelandcollege.edu

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