Transfer Resources

Transfer Advising at Lake Land College

Transfer students should review the transfer website for their next institution and connect with an advisor in their intended major as early as possible. Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure their courses transfer into their intended program and institution.

Lake Land College academic counselors are well versed in the requirements and expectations of transfer institutions needed to help students create a plan to transfer. Counselors consult with university representatives to ensure that the courses students take will transfer into the intended major. Counselors share this information with faculty advisors so that they can pass it along to their advisees.

To learn more about transfer requirements and processes for a specific institution, please contact the counselor who is the assigned contact for that school.

Transfer Resource Room

The Transfer Resource Room, located in Luther Student Center, room 437, serves as a central location for students who want to explore their transfer options. The Transfer Resource Room houses a multitude of resources for students, such as admission packets, transfer brochures and program information brochures.

The Transfer Resource Room is also the home of the EIU Service Center at Lake Land College. On days when the EIU Service Center is open on campus, students have the opportunity to meet with Rita Pearson, EIU Transfer Advisor, in a private office in the Resource Room to discuss plans to transfer to Eastern Illinois University.

Illinois Articulation Initiative

Lake Land College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). The IAI was designed to help Illinois college students transfer easily. A primary part of the IAI was the development of the General Education Core Curriculum which is transferable among more than 100 participating colleges and universities.

For more information, contact a counselor or visit the IAI website at

Transfer Agreements

Lake Land College has many transfer articulation agreements with senior institutions to facilitate seamless transfer once a student has completed the Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Association in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), or Associate in Liberal Studies (ALS). Contact counseling services for detailed information regarding any of the below agreements. In addition, a counselor or academic advisor can assist with articulation planning for programs not listed below. To view transfer agreements, please go to

Lake Land College Degree Partner School Partner Program
AA.AGR Greenville Ag Business
AA.ART EIU Art w/ Graphic Design
AA.BA Greenville Accounting
AA.BA Greenville Management
AA.BA Greenville Marketing
AA.BA EIU Hospitality & Tourism Mngmnt
AA.CJS Greenville Criminal Justice
AA.CJS EIU Criminal Justice
AA.ELED Greenville Teacher Ed (UTEP)
AA.PSY Greenville Psychology
AA.SSW Greenville Sociology/Social Work
AAS.AAEXE EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.AALEG EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.AAMED EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.ACC EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.ADN Illinois St U BSN
AAS.ADN Chamberlain BSN
AAS.AGBUS EIU Communications & Corp St
AAS.AGBUS SIUC Crop, Soil, & Envir Mgt Soil Sci (General)
AAS.AGBUS SIUC Crop, Soil, & Envir Mgt Crop Pro & Mgt (General)
AAS.AGBUS SIUC Crop, Soil, & Envir Mgt Crop Pro & Mgt Science
AAS.AGBUS SIUC Crop, Soil, & Envir Mgt Soil Sci (Science)
AAS.AGBUS SIUC Agribusiness Economics
AAS.AGPRO SIUC Agribusiness Economics
AAS.AGPRO SIUC AGSE Ag Systems Technology Mngmnt
AAS.AGPRO SIUC AGSE Ag Communications
AAS.AGPRO SIUC Ag Systems & Ed – Ag Pro Mgt
AAS.AGPRO SIUC Crop Production and Management
AAS.AGPRO SIUC Crop, Soil & Envir Mgt
AAS.AGPWR SIUC AGSE Ag Systems Technology Mngmnt
AAS.AGPWR SIUC AGSE Ag Communications
AAS.BCT EIU Construction Management
AAS.BCT SIUC Technical Resource Management
AAS.CAD EIU Engineering Technology
AAS.DH EIU Public Hlth/Comm Hlth
AAS.DH SIUC Dental Hygiene
AAS.HRT SIUC Horticulture Production Hort (General)
AAS.HRT SIUC Horticulture Production Hort Turf Grass Mgt
AAS.HRT SIUC Horticulture Production Hort (Science)
AAS.HS.BUS EIU Hospitality & Tourism Mngmnt
AAS.HS.DIT EIU Nutrition & Dietetics
AAS.HSP.HLTH EIU Public Health/Comm Health
AAS.HSP EIU Human Services
AAS.ITAPS EIU Computer and Information Technology
AAS.ITAPS EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.ITGD EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.ITNET Indiana St U Information Technology
AAS.ITNET EIU Computer and Information Technology
AAS.ITNET EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.ITPRO EIU Computer and Information Technology
AAS.ITPRO Indiana St U Information Technology
AAS.ITPRO EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.ITWEB Indiana St U Information Technology
AAS.ITWEB EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.JDAT Murray State Ag Systems Tech
AAS.JDAT SIUC Ag Systems & Education Ag Communication
AAS.JDAT SIUC Ag Systems & Education Ag Production Mgt
AAS.JDAT SIUC Ag Systems & Education Ag Systems Tech Mgt
AAS.JDAT SIUC Ag Systems & Education Ag Education
AAS.JDAT SIUC Ag Systems & Education General Ag
AAS.JDAT SIUC Ag Systems & Education Food & Process Eng Tech
AAS.LE SIUC Public Safety Management
AAS.MGT EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.MKTG EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.OFMGT EIU Organizational Leadership
AAS.PS EIU Public Hlth/Emer Mngment
AAS.PS SIUC Public Safety Management
AAS.RTV Lincoln
AAS.RTV EIU TV Vid Prod w/ Rad Prod Minor
AAS.RTV Western
Any EIU Interdisciplinary Studies
Any Greenville Organizational Leadership
Any St. Mary Woods
AS.PENG Missouri S&T Engineering
AS.PENG Minnesota St U Engineering
AS.PENG Greenville Engineering
General Franklin U
General SIUC Technical Resource Management

Transfer Guides

View all Transfer Guides here

Lake Land College provides general sample plans for a variety of transfer ready majors in the college catalog as well as online. See your academic advisor or a counselor to create a plan for a transfer major for which no sample plan is available.

Transfer requirements differ from one institution to another. To ensure proper course selection for a particular major to a particular school, consult with a counselor or your academic advisor prior to choosing your courses each semester.

Specific transfer guides for certain majors to certain schools are provided to students when they are available. When a specific guide is not available, please see a counselor to identify the appropriate course selections for the selected major and school. Specific transfer guides are available here.

University Transfer Links

Click on the university name to find information for prospective students and transfer articulation of courses.

Chicago State University
Columbia College Chicago
Eastern Illinois University
Franklin University
Greenville University
Indiana State University
Illinois State University
Millikin University
Northern Illinois University
Roosevelt University
Saint Mary of the Woods
University of Illinois – Springfield
Southern Illinois University – Carbondale
Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
University of Illinois
Western Illinois University