
General Education Coursework

Course Requirements for Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS)

By completing an AA or AS degree prior to transferring, students will be considered to have attained junior standing and to have met all lower division general education requirements upon transfer to an Illinois public college or university.

Lake Land College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the Illinois General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) between participating institutions. Completion of the GECC at any participating college in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for an associate or bachelor’s degree have been satisfied. The IAI GECC course number for each Lake Land College course is included in ( ) in the course listings below. The AA degree includes the complete IAI GECC. Students who complete the AS degree may complete the additional 6 hours of IAI GECC (one course in Humanities and Fine Arts and one course in Social and Behavioral Sciences) as part of their Electives or following transfer to the four-year university.

Students may check the IAI website at itransfer.org for updates to the approved course list.

Total General Education Core Curriculum 37-38 semester hours as noted below 31-32 semester hours as noted below
3 courses (9 semester hours)
including a two-course sequence in writing (6 semester hours) and one course in oral communications (3 semester hours)
3 courses (9 semester hours)
including a two-course sequence in writing (6 semester hours) and one course in oral communications (3 semester hours)
1 course (3 semester hours) 1 course (3 semester hours)
Physical and Life Sciences
2 courses (7 to 8 semester hours)
with one course selected from the physical sciences (IAI P) and one course selected from the life sciences (IAI L) including at least one laboratory course (noted with an L at the end of the IAI number)
2 courses (7 to 8 semester hours)
with one course selected from the physical sciences (IAI P) and one course selected from the life sciences (IAI L) including at least one laboratory course (noted with an L at the end of the IAI number)
Humanities and Fine Arts
3 courses (9 semester hours)
with at least one course selected from humanities (IAI H) and at least one course from fine arts (IAI F)
2 courses (6 semester hours)
with one course selected from humanities (IAI H) and one course from fine arts (IAI F)
Social and Behavioral Sciences
3 courses (9 semester hours)
with courses selected from at least two disciplines (ANT, ECO, GEO, HIS, POS, PSY, SOC)
2 courses (6 semester hours)
with courses selected from at least two disciplines (ANT, ECO, GEO, HIS, POS, PSY, SOC)
Additional Math and Science Requirements 0 semester hours 2 courses (6 semester hours)
One math course – MAT 100 or higher and One science course selected from BIO, CHM, ESC, PHY numbered 100 or higher
Recommended Major Courses/Electives 26-27 semester hours 
See sample majors on the following pages and consult with a counselor or your academic advisor. May include no more than 9 hours of courses numbered .040-.099
20-21 semester hours
See sample majors on the following pages and consult with a counselor or your academic advisor. May include no more than 9 hours of courses numbered .040-.099
Total Minimum Hours Required for the Degree from Lake Land College 64 semester hours 64 semester hours

Transfer of Completed Associate Degrees

Requirements differ from one institution to another. The student should refer to the catalog of the four-year university to which he or she plans to transfer and consult with a member of the college counseling staff prior to registering for the courses he or she selects.

Illinois Articulation Initiative Approved Courses
