At Lake Land College we are proud to offer our students mandatory advisement. Counselors assist students with registration their first semester. In subsequent semesters, all currently enrolled students who are seeking a degree or certificate from Lake Land College are assigned to a faculty advisor based on their major. Each semester, students must connect with their assigned advisor for advisement and clearance to register. Advisors approve course selection and assist the student with an academic plan to graduation. If a student changes their major, their academic advisor will be reassigned, based on their new major.
Current students can visit their Advisement Information page in the HUB to review their assigned academic advisor, along with contact information and office hours.
Readmit and transfer students will be advised through the Counseling Services office. In person, phone and Zoom appointments are available, along with email advisement.
Dual credit students enrolled in high school and non-degree seeking students are not assigned to an academic advisor but are welcome to contact Counseling Services with their advising questions.
A student will be reassigned to a counselor if they are no longer in good academic standing with the College. Counselors work with students who are on academic probation, suspension, and dismissal.
The process of advising is to approve course selection, based on the students’ academic goal. Once advised and cleared to register, all students choose their course times/modalities and register through Navigate. Monitor Important Dates in the HUB each semester for the last day to drop for a refund and withdraw from a class.
When space is available, students can continue to add a full semester class through day 2 of the semester. Dates vary for mod 1 and mod 2 classes.
Removing yourself from a course before the refund deadline is considered a “DROP” at Lake Land College. Students may drop a course through the first 10 days of the semester for a 16 week course and through the first 5 days for an 8 week course. Contact Admissions at 217-234-5434 or admissions@lakelandcollege for drop dates for courses that are shorter than 8 weeks. After the refund deadline, removing yourself from a course is considered a “WITHDRAWAL”; students who withdraw are not eligible for a refund. In Navigate, both a DROP and a WITHDRAWAL happen with the Drop Course command.
The mission of advising at Lake Land College is to empower students and assist them to develop meaningful educational plans that encourage student success.