
Follow-up Letter

What occurs, or does not occur, after the interview often determines who gets the job. Even if you’ve done everything incredibly well up until now, not following-up with a thank you letter can kill your chances of getting the job. Employers often interview several people for each position, and you can get lost in the pile if you don’t follow-up and make yourself stand out from the crowd. The follow-up letter gives you the opportunity to thank the interviewer(s) for their time and restate why you are the perfect candidate.

This may seem like a trivial, even menial, task – but it is important. A follow-up letter is a step in the job-search process that many people overlook or take for granted. Show your follow through abilities, initiative, and respect by taking the time to craft a strong letter.

Your follow-up letter should include the following:

  • ADDRESS LINE: Use the full name of the interviewer, his or her title, and the company name and address.
  • SUBJECT LINE: “Re: Interview for the position of XXX on Month Day, Year”
  • SALUTATION: Dear Mr./Ms. (Don’t use Miss or Mrs.)
  • OPENING: “It was a pleasure…” “I appreciated meeting with you…”
  • BODY: Develop something you discussed in the interview that emphasizes how your qualifications will help the employer or add a point or two that did not occur to you during the interview.
  • CLOSING: “I look forward to hearing from you.” “I look forward to the opportunity to work for your company.”
  • COMPLIMENTARY CLOSING: “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,”

Guidelines for Your Education Information:

  • Each letter should be an original. Never send photocopied or mass-produced letters.
  • It should be signed in black ink.
  • Print the letter on the same paper used for your resume and cover letter.
  • A follow-up letter should not be more than one page long.
  • Send the follow-up letter the same day or the day after the interview.

Download Sample Follow-up Letter