When it comes to significant life decisions, choosing a major is certainly one of the more difficult ones. It is a process that deserves time and attention. Choosing a major may not be as overwhelming as you might think. The most important concept is to remember to choose a major that really interests you. This way you are more likely to stay interested in the subject matter, increasing your chances to complete your study plan successfully. The following information will help you with the process of choosing a major and/or career.
Career Coach is an interactive career information tool that makes it easy to research and choose an academic program or career. No registration or special login is required to take the assessment or use the system to search for information.
CareerOneStop.org lets you find wage and employment trends, occupational requirements, state-by-state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online.
Check out Lake Land College’s 150 academic majors as well as the college catalog. These resources outline every degree offered at Lake Land College, including transfer and non-transfer degrees, as well as provide descriptions of each course offered at the College. We also encourage you to speak with faculty members about job interests and attend our job fairs to find out what educational backgrounds employers are looking for.
Job shadowing is a work experience option where you can learn about a job by walking through the work day as a shadow to a competent worker. This experience allows you to observe and ask questions about the employee’s particular career. Job shadowing can give you a new perspective on your studies, because it depicts a number of choices for your future. It also introduces your to the requirements of professions and industries, building a more prepared workforce for the 21st century.
Once you have decided on a degree, you need to plan ahead. Does your degree require you to transfer to a four year university? Is an internship required for graduation? These are all things you need to think about when planning your course of action for the future.