
Team Members


The Behavioral Intervention/Violence Prevention Plan was developed around implementation of a Behavioral Intervention/Violence Prevention Team (BIT). The overall goal of the BIT is to promote a safe environment focused on student learning and student development for all students and staff. The BIT seeks to formalize the college’s processes for greater communication, collaboration, and coordination in responding to concerns regarding student behavior.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Behavioral Intervention/Violence Prevention Team (BIT) is a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to serve six major functions for the college:

  1. Provide staff training to recognize concerning, disruptive and/or threatening behavior
  2. Provide consultation and support to faculty, staff, and administration in assisting students who display concerning or disruptive behaviors
  3. Gather information to assess situations involving students who display concerning or disruptive behaviors including implementation of a formal threat assessment process
  4. Recommend appropriate intervention strategies or disciplinary sanctions
  5. Connect students with needed campus and community resources
  6. Monitor ongoing behavior of students who have displayed disruptive or concerning behavior
Team Member Position at LLC Office Number Email Address
Emily Hartke Chair of Counseling and Judicial Affairs Advisement 217-234-5340 ehartke@lakelandcollege.edu
Valerie Lynch Vice President for Student Services 217-234-5250 vlynch@lakelandcollege.edu
Jeff Branson Chief of Police 217-234-5433 jbranson@lakelandcollege.edu
Andy Gaines Psychology Instructor 217-234-5442 againes@lakelandcollege.edu
Judy Bennett Developmental Reading and Writing Instructor 217-234-5064 jbennett9516@lakelandcollege.edu
Joy Kaurin TRIO Student Support Services Advisor 217-234-5441 jkaurin@lakelandcollege.edu
Ellise Haskett Counselor for Accommodations and Mental Health Initiatives 217-234-5259 ehaskett@lakelandcollege.edu