Anyone with a concern about another student may submit a Behavioral Incident Report form. Referring individuals may identify themselves in the report or may submit the report anonymously.
Only members of the BIT Team will have access to the BIT Report. All records of the Behavioral Intervention/Violence Prevention Team pertaining to students will be stored in the office of the Chair of the Behavioral Intervention Team. Records will be maintained throughout the student’s enrollment at the college.
Contact one of the members of the Behavioral Intervention Team for consultation and support. The BIT member may recommend specific strategies for the staff member to address with the student and/or may recommend submission of a Behavioral Incident Report for further assessment and follow-up by the BIT.
Provide an oral warning to student at the time that inappropriate behavior occurs. If the oral warning does not remedy the situation and the inappropriate behavior continues:
Instructors should not meet alone with a student who may be a threat to their personal safety. Instead of asking to meet after class, instructors should schedule a specific appointment so that they have time to prepare for the meeting. Instructors should call a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team for consultation prior to the meeting. They should also alert and confer with their DC and/or colleagues of when the student will be meeting with them and ask one of them to either be on standby or to join in the meeting.
Upon receipt of the referral, the BIT implements the below steps:
A BIT team member will follow-up with the referring individual periodically to update them on the team’s progress in addressing the reported concern.
Based on the behavior displayed by the student and the assessment by the BIT, the BIT may make any of the following recommendations for intervention.
In accordance with FERPA, following assessment and intervention with the student of concern, the BIT will provide feedback to the referring individual to inform them of resolution of the case and any ongoing follow-up in which they may need to be involved.