Pacesetter Award (ICCTA)


The Pacesetter Award recognizes the accomplishments of Illinois’ more recent community college graduates. Nominees must have completed a recognized program of instruction (including dual credit courses) or attended at least 30 semester hours at an Illinois public community college.


The recipient of the Pacesetter Award will be presented an appropriate plaque at the annual Foundation & Alumni Award Reception.

Selection Process

Nominations received on or before February 1, will be eligible for consideration for the award.

A committee consisting of the following: Lake Land College Board of Trustees, Lake Land College Alumni Association Board of Directors, Lake Land College Foundation Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff, and the President will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, who will make the final selection.

Award Criteria

Each nomination for the ICCTA Pacesetter Award will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • Overcoming life’s obstacles (especially those who were non-traditional students)
  • Demonstrated promise and distinction in chosen career / field of study
  • Humanitarian service that has proven greatly beneficial to society
  • Continued interest in and support of education and community colleges
  • Completion of a recognized program of instruction (including dual credit courses) or attendance for at least 30 semesters hours at an Illinois public community college after June 30, 2009

Past Recipients

Nomination Form

* Required Fields

Nominee Information

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Type of Degree Earned:

Nominator Information

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Please direct any questions to Amanda Allen with any questions at 217-234-5376 or