The Lake Land College Alumni Association Participation Golden Apple Award is made annually to an individual/business or organization, who over the past year, helped the Alumni Association achieve community recognition and accomplish their goals.
Members of the Lake Land College Alumni Association Board of Directors or Alumni staff may nominate an individual, business, or organization who has:
Demonstrated commitment and dedication to helping the Alumni Association accomplish its goals
Unselfishly given of his or her time to promote Association activities
Provided material and/or financial resources to further Association efforts
The recipient(s) will be presented with an appropriate award at the annual Foundation & Alumni Awards Reception.
Nominations received on or before February 1 will be eligible for consideration for the award.
A committee consisting of members of the following: Lake Land College Board of Trustees, Alumni, Lake Land College Foundation Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff, and the President will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, who will make the final selection.
First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Maiden Name (if applicable)
State* Select your state AL - AlabamaAK - AlaskaAZ - ArizonaAR - ArkansasCA - CaliforniaCO - ColoradoCT - ConnecticutDE - DelawareFL - FloridaGA - GeorgiaHI - HawaiiID - IdahoIL - IllinoisIN - IndianaIA - IowaKS - KansasKY - KentuckyLA - LouisianaME - MaineMD - MarylandMA - MassachusettsMI - MichiganMN - MinnesotaMS - MississippiMO - MissouriMT - MontanaNE - NebraskaNV - NevadaNH - New HampshireNJ - New JerseyNM - New MexicoNY - New YorkNC - North CarolinaND - North DakotaOH - OhioOK - OklahomaOR - OregonPA - PennsylvaniaRI - Rhode IslandSC - South CarolinaSD - South DakotaTN - TennesseeTX - TexasUT - UtahVT - VermontVA - VirginiaWA - WashingtonWV - West VirginiaWI - WisconsinWY - WyomingD.C. - District of Columbia
Zip Code*
Year graduated:
Type of Degree Earned: A.S. A.A. A.A.S. Certificate
Position Title
In 300 words or less, please describe why this person should be a recipient of the Golden Apple Award.
Please direct any questions to Amanda Allen with any questions at 217-234-5376 or