
Alumni Park

Lake Land College’s Alumni Park broke ground on Tuesday, July 19th, 2005 and was open in 2007. It honors all Lake Land College Alumni. With beautiful greenery and curving walkways that wind throughout the, it offers a place for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of Lake Land College to enjoy the campus and its natural surroundings.

The park includes walkways paved with engraved brick pavers, picnic tables and benches for the use and enjoyment of visitors. In the center of the park is an open grassy area that is used of events and receptions. At the rear of the park is a beautiful water feature with an elevated sculpture in the middle. To the side of the water feature is an amphitheater that has seating for classes that want to meet outdoors or outdoor performances. The amphitheater is lined with trees to block any wind coming through the area. Enclosed seating is also available in an area to the rear of the water feature.

For information on how to purchase a brick paver, you can download the Alumni Park Brick Paver Order Form.

Visit the Online Giving Form here.