Lake Land College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in admission or access to or in treatment or employment in college programs and/or activities. The Director of Human Resources, Lake Land College, (217) 234-5210 has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in the implementing regulations of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Age Discrimination Act of 1975. The Coordinator of Student Accommodations, Lake Land College, (217) 234-5259 is designated as the Section 504 Coordinator of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Adjunct faculty will be paid in the first full-pay period after 10th day.
This process will continue each semester. The information regarding 10 day is located on the academic calendar.
During the academic year (fall and spring term), an adjunct faculty member may teach no more than 14 credit hours. In the calculation of the semester hours, add-on credit for teaching online, in a distance environment, or release time for development of an online course will not figure into the total. Including these or any other add-on credit, no adjunct/part-time instructor under any circumstances will have a load that will exceed 28 credit hours per academic year.
For every hour an adjunct faculty members spends teaching in the classroom, an additional hour is spent outside of the classroom in preparation for teaching as well as grading, assessing student work, working with students, etc. which is included in the total hours worked per week. If an adjunct/part-time instructor is employed on an hourly basis, they may teach any amount up to 29 hours in any given week.
For the summer term, an adjunct/part-time instructor can be used to teach no more than 9 credit hours without permission of the Vice President for Academic Services.
Definition….Equated hours is the relationship or percentage between the full-time faculty load of 15 hours versus adjunct hours.
Waivers will be issued at the end of the semester or term to those making a request.
If you would like more information on these incentives or would like to apply for a tuition waiver, please contact the Division Chair.