
This is the most crucial step in the assessment process as we move the data into action plans for improving the student experience. Assessment results can reveal the need to adjust an assessment procedure, curriculum, or instructional methods. Additionally, these findings can demonstrate the achievement of learning goals and the effectiveness of a course or program. Accurate data and results confirm that students are learning.

Action plans: Faculty will evaluate areas for improvement, modification or ongoing monitoring. They will outline specific actions to be taken in the next cycle, including details on who will be responsible, what will be done and when it will be completed. The plan should be relevant, appropriate and manageable to ensure we can measure again after the change has been made. We compare the results, highlight improvements and plan for future assessments.

Some Factors to Consider on Implementing a Plan

Sustainability: Should we maintain our long-term planning? Is it feasible to sustain our efforts?

Credibility: missing question

Students: How motivated were students to put forth their best effort?

Faculty: To what extent are the program and course faculty engaged in the process?

Consistency: Are the same performance standards and sampling procedures applied consistently across all artifacts?

Closing the Loop

The “assessment loop” is complete when a program analyzes its assessment results, makes adjustments based on those findings and reevaluates to ensure that learning has improved for either the course or the program. If the assessment results are not as anticipated, the curriculum and/or instruction will be evaluated, and modifications will be made to improve learning opportunities for students.