
Faculty Bio

Faculty Bios

Rakhsha Nasseripour

She, Her, Hers

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Physics Instructor
Math & Science General
Phone: 217-234-5330
Email: rnasseripour@lakelandcollege.edu

Education Information


Ph. D. Particle Physics, Florida International University
Master's of Science, Particle Physics, Florida International University
Bachelor's of Science,. Applied Physics, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Professional Affiliations/Award

American Physical Society (APS) Member 1998-2014.

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility User Group Member 1998-2014.

CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) Collaboration Member 1998-2014.

Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Physics, Florida International University, 2005.

Teaching Online Program, Virginia's Community Colleges, 2014.

Instructional Desing in Online Learning, Virginia's Community Colleges, 2015.

Master Advising Training Program, Lake Land College, 2016.

Excellence in Advising, Lake Land College, 2017, 2019.




Courses Taught

College Physics I

College Physics II

University Physics I

University Physics II

Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)

Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Research interests, Specializations, and Background

My resarch interests are mainly realated to the physics done at Jefferson Lab's Hall-B. These included photoproduction of light vector mesons in the nuclear medium, electroproduction of kaons and lambdas, study the few-bodyproblem, and baryon spectroscopy.


Coherent Photoproduction of pi+ on 3He, R. Nasseripour and B. L. Berman, Phys. Rev. C 83, 034001 (2011)

Absorption of the omega and phi Mesons in Nuclei, M. Wood, R. Nasseripour, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 112301 (2010)

Photodisintegration of 4He into p+t, R. Nasseripour, N. Benmouna, B. L. Berman, Phys. Rev. C 80, 044603 (2009)

Medium Modifications of Light Vector Mesons In Photoproduction Reactions At JLab, M. Wood, R. Nasseripour [CLAS Collaboration] Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24, 309 (2009)

Medium Modification of the Light Vector Mesons in Nuclei, R. Nasseripour, C. Djalali, AIP Conf. Proc. 1056, 223 (2008)

Vector Meson Modification in Nuclear Matter at CLAS, C, Djalali, R. Nasseripour, D. Weygand [CLAS Collaboration] Mod. Phys. Lett. A 23, 2417 (2008)

Polarized Structure Function for kaon electroproduction reactions at JLab, R. Nasseripour, B. A. Raue, Phys. Rev. C 77, 065208 (2008)

Light Vector Mesons in the Nuclear Medium, M. Wood, R. Nasseripour, Phys. Rev. C 78, 015201 (2008)