Lake Land College Master Advisor Training Program
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CHM-101 Physical Science II
An introductory discussion of chemical principles. Presents a balance between basic knowledge needed to understand the uses of chemicals and applications of chemicals in everyday life.
CHM-111 Concepts of Chemistry
An introduction to the concepts of chemistry where information is presented to students with little background or no prior interest in chemistry and those students who are not interested in abstract or mathematical theories.
CHM-120 Gen, Organic & Biochemistry I
Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry including history, atomic theory, bonding, stoichiometry, gases, solids, solutions, chemical equilibria, acids, bases, salts, pH, and electrochemistry.
CHM-121 Gen, Organic & Biochemistry II
Study of organic and biological chemistry for students in allied health programs, agriculture, forestry, and other majors with comparable requirements.
My undergraduate research at Eastern Michigan University focused on using computational chemistry to better understand the thermodynamics and kinetics of lipid peroxidation of arachidonic acid. During my graduate studies at the University of Illinois, my research focus was on electrocatalysts for the reduction of oxygen and carbon dioxide.