Learn how to protect your community through the Law Enforcement program. A law enforcement degree provides the foundational knowledge and skills for a successful career in law enforcement. While varied in their jurisdictions and approaches, all law enforcement agencies share the same broad goal: to uphold the law and to ensure public order and safety.
This short-term certificate option provides hands-on experience for those interested in gaining direct law enforcement experience or advancing in the ranks at a law enforcement agency.
David Chambers – Criminal Justice Instructor/Coord Criminal Justice Programs
John McCain – Adjunct Faculty Social Science Division – 217-234-5328 – jmccain2@lakelandcollege.edu
Brandon Murray – Adjunct Faculty Social Science Division – 217-234-5328 – bmurray@lakelandcollege.edu
Jodi Swann – Adjunct Faculty Social Science Division – 217-234-5328 – jswann@lakelandcollege.edu
Law Enforcement Operations provides practical experience in the field of law enforcement. It is ideal to supplement the Transfer Ready Criminal Justice degree.
During your time in the course, you will experience valuable hands-on learning from experts in the field.
The Law Enforcement degree is intended for students who do not intend to transfer to a university after graduation and who primarily intend to seek a career as a police officer in a local or county police agency.
The Lake Land College Law Enforcement program tuition and fees are among the most affordable in the state. Additional information can be found on the Financial Aid site.