
Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

Student Code of Conduct

As set forth in Board Policy 07.28.01 – Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, the Student Code of Conduct seeks to support student engagement in learning and leadership and prevent interference with educational opportunities by maintaining an orderly and safe educational environment. The purpose of the Code is to give students general notice of prohibited behaviors and ensure that students do not engage in conduct that disrupts the educational environment and the normal operations of the College.

The Student Code of Conduct should not be equated to state or federal criminal codes. The Code, grounded in procedural fairness, is focused on disciplined and courteous truth-seeking, not adversarial procedures. Lake Land College requires that in all situations, students be informed of the charges against them and be given a fair opportunity to refute the charges.

Actions or activities that constitute violations of the Student Code of Conduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Violations of the Academic Integrity Code. (See Board Policy 07.28.02 – Academic Integrity Code.)
  2. Violations of federal, state or local law which occur on College property or in the course of a College sponsored activity. Such violations are also subject to referral to the College’s Police Department and/or other civil authorities for investigation and action.
  3. Attempted or actual theft or unauthorized possession of College property or services or the property or services of others.
  4. Illegal or unauthorized possession, use of, being under the influence of, or distribution of drugs or alcoholic beverages on any College property or at College-sponsored activities.
  5. Illegal or unauthorized possession, of firearms, look-alike weapons, or dangerous chemicals or explosives on College property or at College-sponsored activities or use of such items, even if legally possessed, in a manner that harms, threatens, or causes fear to others.
  6. Intentional damage to or destruction of College property or of property on College premises belonging to others.
  7. Reckless driving and parking a student vehicle in unauthorized areas. (See Board Policy 11.13 – Traffic Regulations and Parking.)
  8. Inciting, encouraging or participating in a riot on College property or at a College sponsored activity.
  9. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys or other access devices to any College premises, or unauthorized entry to, or use of, secured College premises.
  10. Behavior by any student, in or out of class, which for any reason materially disrupts the class work of others, involves substantial disorder, invades the rights of others, or otherwise disrupts the regular and essential operation of the College.
  11. Verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the life or safety of any person.
  12. Threatening, attempting, or committing physical violence against any person, endangering the health and safety of any person, or causing reasonable apprehension of such harm.
  13. Any verbal, written, electronic, or physical behavior, such as a disparaging comment, epithet, slur insult or other expressive behavior, that is directed at a particular person or a group of persons, and which creates an environment wherein the verbal or physical behavior is inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction whether or not it actually does so.
  14. Hazing, harassment or actions of a sexual nature which create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment. (See Board Policy 11.04 – Discrimination and Harassment and 11.04.01 – Prohibiting Sex Discrimination.)
  15. Substantially and materially interfering with the freedom of expression of others.
  16. Failure to comply with the directions of College employees and other College officials, including law enforcement officials, and their authorized agents acting in the performance of their duties.
  17. Actions which obstruct, disrupt, or physically interfere with the use of College premises, buildings, rooms, or hallways, or a refusal to vacate a building, street, sidewalk, driveway or other facility of the College when directed to do so by a College official.
  18. Misrepresentation or falsification of any official records required of the student by the College.
  19. Participation in the name of the College in any non-sanctioned activities.
  20. Misusing, altering or fabricating a Lake Land College ID Card.
  21. Intentionally furnishing false information to the College or any College official.
  22. Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency.
  23. Violations of other published College regulations, procedures, or policies published in print or available electronically on the Lake Land College website including, but not limited to, policies related to computer/technology use, campus demonstrations, smoking or use of tobacco products, eating/drinking, and regulations governing student organizations.

Lake Land College reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well being of the College community. Such action may include disciplinary sanctions for actions or activities not committed on College property if, at the sole discretion of the College, the best interest of the College, student body and educational processes is served or such actions cause or can reasonably be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption to the educational environment or the normal operations of the College or infringe on the rights of other members of the College community.

In the event of disruptive activities occurring on campus or at College sponsored activities, College staff will immediately request assistance from the Lake Land College Police Department and/or proper law enforcement agencies, and those involved will be subject to arrest and/or College disciplinary action.

The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class, or dismissal on disciplinary grounds, must follow the Disciplinary Procedures described as part of this Code.

Disciplinary Procedures

When the Vice President for Student Services is presented with sufficient evidence to indicate a student is suspected of violating rule(s) of the Student Code of Conduct, the Vice President will notify the accused student in writing of the alleged violation and either:

  1. Inform the student of the proposed sanctions to be imposed based on the allegations of misconduct and offer the opportunity for the student to accept the sanctions without a required meeting. This occurs only when the proposed sanctions do not include administrative withdrawal, suspension or dismissal or
  2. Require the student to appear in the office of Vice President for Student Services at a time and date specified to review the evidence of the violation and allow the student an opportunity to respond to the allegations.

Any written notice issued to the student will be delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail by certified or registered mail addressed to the student’s last known address. The last known address shall be that address as reported to the Admissions and Records Office at the time of the student’s last enrollment.

If, after the meeting between the student and the Vice President for Student Services, or after the student fails to request or appear at such a meeting, the Vice President for Student Services is satisfied that the violation occurred as alleged, the Vice President shall notify the student and shall impose a penalty by means of a written notice. One or more of the following penalties may be imposed:

  1. Reprimand: Notice, orally or in writing, that the student is, or has, violated the Student Code of Conduct, and continuation or repetition of violations may be cause for more severe disciplinary action.
  2. Academic Sanction: Student may receive a reduced or failing grade in the course(s) and/or disenrollment from the course or academic program.
  3. Disciplinary Probation: Student is placed on probation for a designated period of time. Additional restrictions or conditions may also be imposed. Violations of the terms of disciplinary probation, or any other violation of the Code during the period of probation, may result in suspension or dismissal from the College.
  4. Loss of Privileges: Student is prohibited from participating in, scheduling, or attending extracurricular activities of the College for a designated period of time.
  5. Restitution: Student is required to make repayment to the College or to an affected party for damages resulting from violation of this Code.
  6. Discretionary Sanctions: Work assignments, fines, participation in educational sessions, service to the College or other related assignments as assigned by the Vice President for Student Services.
  7. Administrative Withdrawal: Student may be withdrawn from one or more College courses.
  8. Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other College activities for a specific time period not to exceed one calendar year. Petition for readmission at the end of the time period must be made through the Student Conduct Review Board.
  9. Dismissal: Exclusion from classes and other activities for one calendar year or longer. If a student wishes to be admitted after the end of the designated time period of dismissal, the students must petition the Student Conduct Review Board for readmission. Students who re-enter the College and do not meet the conditions required by the Student Conduct Review Board may be permanently dismissed.

The student, by written notice from the Vice President for Student Services, shall be informed of the charges and actions to be taken and given ten (10) calendar days to notify the Vice President for Student Services in writing if they wish for a formal hearing on the charges and actions by a Student Conduct Hearing Board.

If the student does not submit a written request for a formal hearing to the Office of the Vice President for Student Services within ten (10) calendar days, no hearing shall be held, the penalty proposed by the Vice President for Student Services shall be imposed, and the action shall be considered final.

If the student requests a formal hearing by a Student Conduct Hearing Board, the student will be notified of the time, place and the process for the hearing. The Student Conduct Hearing Board shall consist of five (5) members: two (2) students, two (2) faculty members, and one (1) administrator or staff member. An additional staff member shall be identified to serve as the presiding officer.

The hearing shall be private and closed to the public unless otherwise agreed to by College officials and the accused student.

At the hearing, the Vice President for Student Services will present the charges against the student and will make a recommendation concerning the type of discipline to be imposed. The student will be allowed to present their case and have witnesses present oral statements on his/her behalf.

The student may have an attorney present or an advisor of their choice to advise them but not to act as a spokesperson for the student. The College may also have its attorney present. Any party to the hearing may present witnesses subject to questioning by the Student Conduct Hearing Board. All procedural questions are subject to the final decision of the presiding officer.

The function of the Student Conduct Hearing Board shall be to determine whether or not the student violated the Code and the appropriate penalty. A verbatim record (i.e., tape recording) of the proceedings shall be taken and made available to College officials and the student. The decision of the Student Conduct Hearing Board will be determined by a majority vote of the membership, with all deliberations private, without the presence of the student, the Vice President for Student Services, attorneys, or other parties.

If it is found that the student did not violate the Code, all record of charges, documentary evidence and statements shall be destroyed, with only the verbatim record retained. If it is found that the student did violate the Code, the Student Conduct Hearing Board shall determine the exact disciplinary penalty and provide written notification to the Vice President for Student Services and the student of its decision. The penalty may include any of the sanctions previously identified in this policy and may be more or less severe than the sanctions imposed by the Vice President for Student Services. The decision of the Student Conduct Hearing Board is considered final.

Students may be accountable both to civil authorities and to the College for acts that constitute violations of federal, state or local laws and of this Code. Disciplinary action at the College will normally proceed during the pendency of criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenges on the ground that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed, reduced or are still pending.

Interim Suspension

The Vice President for Student Services may suspend a student from the College for an interim period pending disciplinary or criminal proceedings, or medical evaluation. The interim suspension shall become immediately effective without prior notice or a hearing before the Student Conduct Hearing Board whenever there is evidence that the continued presence of the student at the College poses a substantial and immediate threat to themselves or to others, or to the stability and continuance of normal College functions. Upon issuance of an interim suspension, the student will be provided written notification identifying the Code of Conduct violations, imposing the terms of the interim suspension and outlining the investigation, hearing, and appeal process. A student suspended on an interim basis shall be given a prompt opportunity to either appear personally before the Vice President for Student Services, or designee, or to submit a written appeal or evidence in relation to the following issues only: 1) the reliability of the information concerning the students’ conduct, including the matter of their identity and 2) whether the conduct and surrounding circumstances reasonably indicate that the continued presence of the student on College premises poses a substantial and immediate threat to themselves or to others or to the stability and continuance of normal College functions. During the interim suspension, the student is not permitted to be on campus or at any College activities.