
Admission Requirements for High School Students

If you are currently enrolled in high school and at least 16 years of age, you may attend Lake Land College. If you enroll in courses offered during the regular school day or are offered for high school credit, prior approval of the chief executive officer at your high school must be received. An additional application form is required of all high school students to be admitted to the College.

If you are 16 years of age or over and have severed your connections with a school system, as certified in writing by the chief executive officer of the high school district which you have legal residence, you will be eligible to attend Lake Land College. In addition to the usual admission materials, an additional application form will be required.

If you are less than 16 years of age and are considered “gifted” by both your secondary school and Lake Land College you may attend Lake Land College. In addition to the usual admission materials, an additional gifted application must be submitted. Refer to Admission Categories for a definition of “gifted”.