
Grade Exclusion Request

What it is
Students are offered a once-only opportunity to improve their grade point average provided they meet the conditions below. Students planning to transfer to another institution are cautioned that the receiving university may use all grades earned in excluded courses for computation of grade point average for admission or other purposes.

To be eligible

  • Students must not have been enrolled at Lake Land College for at least five consecutive calendar years from their last enrollment period excluding:
    A. Non-credit continuing education courses;
    B. Administratively determined contractual courses; and
    C. Courses offered through the Center for Business and Industry and Center for Ag Industries.
  • Must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours with a grade point average of 2.00 or better at Lake Land College after the five year waiting period.
  • Only “F” grades that were earned in a single semester or term of enrollment will be excluded.
  • Any “F” grades assigned as a result of the Academic Integrity Policy will not be excluded.
  • The Grade Exclusion Policy cannot be applied before the minimum credits, waiting period and grade point average are earned.

** In computing the final grade point average for graduation with honors, all courses and grades earned at Lake Land College will be used.

How to complete
Complete and submit the online Grade Exclusion Request form. This form is also available in the Admissions and Records Office or at the Effingham Kluthe Center. Enter your information into each designated field.

Semester/Term Course Title(s) Catalog Number(s) Section Number (not required)