
Veterans Memorial

Lake Land College has welcomed countless servicemen and women to our campus over the years. We are proud to offer those who served or are currently serving in the U.S. military and their family members the opportunity to pursue a quality education and earn another successful credential in their esteemed careers. The Veterans Memorial illustrates the important role of Lake Land College in both serving our veterans and educating our students and community on the rich history of our armed forces. It is because of the sacrifice and commitment of the many brave servicemen and women across our great nation, that every citizen is free to pursue a college education.

The Veterans Memorial project is funded by the Lake Land College Foundation and its donors. The Memory Wall, Phase I of the Veterans Memorial, was dedicated on October 11, 2019.

The Lake Land College Foundation is seeking gifts to fund the purchase of a stone flag to be erected adjacent to the Veterans Wall as part of Phase II of the Veterans Memorial. The solid rock flag will serve as a constant, steady symbol of the enduring bravery and honor shown by our servicemen and women in perpetuity. For more information on Phase II and how you can help, you can download the Veterans Memorial Flyer. The flag will be your opportunity to complete the project and become part of the Veterans Memorial.

Visit the Online Giving Form here.