An associate degree will prepare you for the career you want while providing you an exceptional foundation to help meet your educational and professional goals. Whether your goals are personally or professionally motivated, these online-flex associate degrees are designed to allow you to complete the majority of classes online with a few classes offered on campus to maintain the traditional face to face learning experience. Earn an online-flex associate degree and gain the skills you will need to be competitive in today’s workplace. Review the online-flex associate degrees available at Lake Land College.
The Agriculture transfer curriculum is designed for those students who are planning to transfer to a university and earn the bachelor of science degree in Agriculture. Courses to complete on campus: AGR-204 Prin/Field Crop Science, AGR-205 Intro/Soil Science, CHM-120 Gen, Organic & Biochemistry I, CHM-150 General Chemistry I. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
This curriculum is for students interested in careers in fine artistry, education, printmaking, illustration, and design and plan to transfer to a university.
Courses to complete on campus: ART-101 Drawing I, ART-110 2-D Design, ART-260 Art History I, ART-200 Drawing II, ART-225 Ceramics I, ART-261 Art History II, ART-111 3-D Design, Art-205 Painting, ART-161 Printmaking I, ART-206 Painting II. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
This curriculum is for students interested in business administration, accounting, finance, management, marketing, computer information systems who are planning to transfer to a university. Students who complete this degree are also qualified for a number of careers immediately following graduation from Lake Land College. Course requirements are modified to meet demands of individual universities. *Note a science class with a lab must be completed on campus and SPE 111 requires campus visit for speech presentation.
Communication Studies
The Communication Studies transfer program emphasizes the importance of developing a variety of communication skills for numerous careers. The program prepares students for the junior and senior levels of study in Communications Studies in areas including persuasion, interpersonal, group, digital, and mass media. Courses to complete on campus: SPE-200 Interpersonal Communications, SPE-213 Intro/Group Discussion, SPE-220 Persuasive Speaking. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Criminal Justice
This program is designed for students desiring to enter a criminal justice field (law enforcement, corrections, probation, etc.) directly upon graduation or for students desiring to transfer to a university. Courses to complete on campus: BIO-130 Environmental Science, BIO-100 Bio Science I, SOC-280 Intro to Sociology, HED-178 Responding to Emergencies. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Early Childhood Education
This program is designed for students desiring to transfer to a university and obtain a Type 04 Illinois Teaching Certificate, Birth – Grade 3
Courses to complete on campus: MAT-118 Math for Elem Teachers I, EDU-100 Introduction to Education, PHY-110 Concepts of Physics, CHM-111 Concepts of Chemistry, MAT-218 Math for Elem Teachers II, PED-172 Basic Act Elem/See Child, MUS-229 Understanding Music. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Earth Science
Upon completion of this course sequence, earth science students will receive an associate in science degree.
Courses to complete on campus: ESC-106 Intro Geographic Info Systems, GEO-140 World Geography. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Elementary Education
This program is designed to provide the academic background and practical experience necessary for an elementary education facility. This program is suited to individuals who enjoy working and teaching young children.
Courses to complete on campus: PHY-110 Concepts of Physics, CHM-111 Concepts of Chemistry, MAT118 Math for Elem Teachers I, EDU-100 Intro to Education, MAT-218 Math for Elem Teacher II, MUS-229 Understanding Music. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
The English transfer program emphasizes literature, writing, and related areas and is designed to provide a solid background for work at the junior and senior levels in English.
Courses to complete on campus: FLG-140 Elem Spanish I, RTV-165 Broadcast Writing, HUM-151 Nature in the Humanities, FLG-141 Elem Spanish II. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
The Management degree is designed for those who plan to own and operate their own business and those who plan to work as technicians, supervisors or managers in for-profit or not-for-profit organizations. Using career electives, a specialized management curriculum can be designed to meet the needs of students in such diverse areas as marketing, retailing, sales, manufacturing, construction, transportation, technology and the trades.
The Marketing program prepares students for employment positions in sales, retailing, marketing and other related business areas. It can also be used to upgrade skills and knowledge of presently employed personnel to allow them to advance their careers. This program provides the broad background necessary to succeed in modern marketing with special emphasis placed on pricing, promotion, distribution and product conception within both the profit and not-for-profit sectors.
Mathematics Education
Mathematics Education prepares the student to transfer to a senior institution with a major in mathematics education.
Courses to complete on campus: EDU-100 Intro to Education, MAT-242 Analytical Geom-Calc II, Mat-255 Linear Algebra, Mat-243 Analytical Geom-Calc III, MAT-245 Differential Equations. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Special Education
This program is designed for students planning to pursue a special education teaching career as a Learning Behavior Specialist I, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Low Vision and Blindness and Early Childhood Special Education.
Courses to complete on campus: MAT-118 Math for Elem Teacher I, EDU-100 Intro to Education, PHY-110 Concepts of Physics, CHM-111 Concepts of Chemistry, MAT-218 Math for Elem Teachers II, MUS-229 Understanding Music. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Secondary Education-Biology
Science Education prepares the student to transfer to a senior institution with a major in science education in secondary education.
Courses to complete on campus: CHM-150 General Chemistry I, CHM-151 General Chemistry II, BIO-116 General Zoology, EDU-100 Intro to Education, PHY-130 College Physics I, PHY-131 College Physics II. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Secondary Education-Chemistry
Science Education prepares the student to transfer to a senior institution with a major in science education in secondary education with a specialization in Chemistry.
Courses to complete on campus: CHM-150 General Chemistry I, MAT-242 Analytical Geom-Calc II, CHM-151 General Chemistry II, PHY-141 University Physics II, EDU-100 Into to Education. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.
Secondary Education-Physics
Science Education prepares the student to transfer to a senior institution with a major in science education in secondary education with an specialization in Physics.
Courses to complete on campus: CHM-150 General Chemistry I, MAT-242 Analytical Geom-Calc II, CHM-151 General Chemistry II, MAT-243 Analytical Geom-Calc III, PHY-141 University Physics II, EDU-100 Intro to Education, PHY-142 University Physics III. Some of these courses may have lectures and labs that meet during the day.